You are Very Special (Increase Youre SPECIAL stats gain to 25 instead of 1)

Fallout 4 Mods |

You are Very Special (Increase Youre SPECIAL stats gain to 25 instead of 1)

A Script Mod that changes the behaviour of the You’re SPECIAL book to give you +25 in any of the chosen stats instead of +1.

To install this mod you will have to add the YoureSPECIALscript.pex to your /SCRIPTS/ folder.

To uninstall this mod you can just delete this script from your /SCRIPTS/ folder.

If you have added any mods previously to fallout 4 then you would most likely already have set up your fallout 4.ini file to include a /SCRIPTS/ folder for loading its data. Placing this script inside that folder (most likely: D:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Scripts) it will be loaded instead of the original one by bethesda. If your script folder does not exist you can just create one and place the script in there.

This mod was created using PexInspector.

Credits: Zerratar
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