Yet Another Audio Converter – Convert fuz-xwm-wav-various audio files

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Yet Another Audio Converter – Convert fuz-xwm-wav-various audio files


1. Introduction
2. Motivation and purpose
3. Major features
4. Supported file format
5. Requirements
6. Install
7. Uninstall
8. How to use
9. Notes / Limitation / Known issues
10. Credits & Special Thanks

1. Introduction

Hi there.

First, I’m not an English native speaker, sorry about poor English 😉

This tool is “Yet Another” audio converter. This tool can convert an audio file such as fuz, xwm, wav, mp3 mutually.
By default, tool can handle fuz and xwm files. By separately download and install the following tools, more sound file formats will be available: Microsoft xWMAEncoder, LAME, FFmpeg

I have not played Fallout4, but perhaps fuze file format is same as skyrim. So it should work with Fallout4 audio files.


NOTE: This tool development for skyrim, but probabry also work with Fallout4. So the same file as for skyrim uploaded here as well. Skyrim mod page is here

TO MODERATOR: Please contact if there is a problem with this act (same mods post to multi game pages). I will delete immediately.

2. Motivation and purpose

I’m a translator of mod, so convert sound file of mod into a general format (wav, mp3), and playback by Media Player and confirm speech of actors.
For this kind of work, Skyrim Audio Converter by JohnB met comparative requirements. I was using all the way this tool, but often crashed when convert a large number of files.
Therefore I decided to development this tool, serve as the study of the audio files.
So, I want to emphasize that Skyrim Audio Converter gave big inspiration on developing this tool. JohnB, Thank you very much!

3. Major features

Selection of conversion files:
– Select the file you want to convert using the menu or drag and drop. The selected file will be added to the file list.
– You can select single files, folders, also bsa files. When you select a bsa files, you can handle the audio files that is included in bsa file.
– Use the check box of the file list, you can choose the file you want to convert.

Conversion of audio files:
– By default, you can convert between fuz and xwm. Also handled lip file.
– If you install Microsoft xWMAEncode, you can convert between xwm and wav.
– If you install LAME, you can convert between wav and mp3.
– If you install FFmpeg, you can convert between wav and general audio formats (mp3, ogg, flac, aiff, etc.).
– Converted files can be output to the same as input folder, or the specified folder.
– When the conversion using the FFmpeg, you can change sound volume. (v1.0.1 feature)

User Interface:
– Convenient file list. Audio files are categorized depending on the status. The success of the conversion, or whether lip file exists is obvious. Of course, you can also sort the list in your favorite conditions.
– Without complicated settings of audio conversion tool-specific, can be easily converted by default settings.
– Only necessary conversion settings are dynamically displayed.
– To merge xwm file and lip file to fuz file is very easy. You can includes the same name of the lip file in the same folder as the xwm file.
– Multi-language support. Currently supports English and Japanese. If you modify the resource files, can support another language.

– ListView of Windows (.NET?) is very slow and buggy, So I was as much as possible tweak and tuning.
– Conversion process is multiplexed by the multi-process, multi-thread. Depending on your CPU, you can also change the multiplicity in the UI.

4. Supported file format

Input file format:

– fuze (.fuz)
– xWMA (.xwm) – xWMAEncode required
– wave (.wav) – xWMAEncode, LAME or FFmpeg required
– mp3 (.mp3) – LAME or FFmpeg required
– ogg (.ogg/.oga) – FFmpeg required
– flac (.fla/.flac) – FFmpeg required
– aiff (.aif/.aiff) – FFmpeg required

Output file format:

– fuze (.fuz)
– xWMA (.xwm) – xWMAEncode required
– wave (.wav) – xWMAEncode, LAME or FFmpeg required
– mp3 (.mp3) – LAME or FFmpeg required
– ogg (.ogg/.oga) – FFmpeg required
– flac (.fla/.flac) (flac/opus/speex/vorbis compression) – FFmpeg required
– aiff (.aif/.aiff) – FFmpeg required

5. Requirements


– Windows 7 or later
– Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 or later
I don’t have a windows XP/8/10. So it doesn’t work verification, but perhaps it works well if .NET Framework 4.0 installed.

Optional (for more sound file formats):

– xWMAEncode.exe (Included in the DirectX Software Development Kit Jun 2010
Although it is not required, but it is necessary in order to handle xwm file.
This tool is not redistributable, so you will need to download Micorosft DirectX SDK.
If you do not want to install DirectX SDK, open DXSDK_Jun10.exe using 7-Zip, and extract “DXSDK\Utilities\bin\x86\xWMAEncode.exe”.

– LAME 3.99.5 or later
Although it is not required, but it is necessary in order to handle mp3 file.
You can download compiled binaries from RAREWARES
32bit version or 64bit version, either one is OK.

– FFmpeg 2.8.5 or later
Although it is not required, but it is necessary in order to handle various audio files.
You can download compiled binaries from Zeranoe FFmpeg
32-bit static version or 64-bit static version, either one is OK.

6. Install

Download zip file, extract zip to any folder. (Recommended other than “Program Files” folder and “Skyrim” folder.)

The optional external tools (xWMAEncode.exe, lame.exe, ffmpeg.exe), please copy in the same folder as YAAudioConvert.exe.

7. Uninstall

Delete the installed files and folders. Registry does not used.

8. How to use

How to conversion:

(0) Launch YAAudioConverter.exe

(1) Select input format.

(2-a) Add files you want to convert by “File” menu or Drag and Drop.

(2-b) You can also choose files by checkbox.

(3) Select output format.

(4) Select output folder.

(5) Select encoder/decoder settings. The displayed options depends on input/output type. If you don’t know exactly what you do, just leave the default value.

(6) Press “Convert” button to start conversion.

(7) When conversion is finished, file list is categorized by conversion result. If you hovered the mouse cursor to the status, you can view the detailed results.

Shortcut Keys and Convenient operations:

(Main Window)
Ctrl+O : Open files
Ctrl+L : Open folders
F5 : Convert

(File List)
DEL : Delete selected rows
Ctrl+A : Select all rows
Ctrl+C : Copy file name to clipboard
Ctrl+G : Toggle grouping
Alt+Up : Jump to previous group
Alt+Down : Jump to next group
Shift+Click : Range selection
Click group title : select all files in the group
Double Click group title : Collapse/Expand group
Range selection and click checkbox : Check/Uncheck selected all files
Click column header : Select sort column, Change sort order
Hover mouse cursor to File name : Show file name by tool tip
Hover mouse cursor to Status : Show detailed results by tool tip (error message, created files, etc.)

(Log Window)
Ctrl+A : Select all
Ctrl+C : Copy
Right Click : Show context menu

(Status Bar)
Click group name : Jump to group

9. Notes / Limitation / Known issues

– There may be a bug in this tool. Please be sure to MAKE A BACKUP of the original audio files.

– Bad English. I’m not an English native speaker. Improvement suggestion of the sentences is a welcome.

– Conversion result depends on the external tools. Depending on the combination of options chosen in the UI, may become the error by a external commands. Please refer to the command log that displayed in the log window.

– If the number of lines of log window is too large, it will affect performance. Please clear it regularly.

– I have priority to the stability and usability, so conversion performance may not be said to be the best. But practicality is considered good enough.

– ListView of Windows (.NET?) is very slow and buggy, So I was as much as possible tweak and tuning. But I have not tested with any OS. Once if the file list is no longer being re-drawn, show “About” dialog (File – About menu). This should be reset. If such a problem occurs frequently, please report to Nexus page.

– It is free to enjoy the converted files private, but if you want to distribute or publish audio files to other people, please be aware of the copyright of music.

– ba2 file is not supported. I don’t know the format of ba2 file, and not yet purchased Fallout4.

10. Credits & Special Thanks

Development by BowmoreLover. All of the program was coded myself by scratch. I don’t use other libraries at all.

Special Thanks:
I want to emphasize that Skyrim Audio Converter gave big inspiration on developing this tool.
JohnB, Thank you very much!

Development tools:
Microsoft Visual C# 2010
The mod file format referred from:
GIMP (edit screen shots)


Credits: BowmoreLover
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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