Workshop – Pip-Boy Light – Pick Up Item – Hold Key Delay

Fallout 4 Mods |

Workshop – Pip-Boy Light – Pick Up Item – Hold Key Delay

How many times have you picked up something when you were trying to take it? Or worse, picked up a body when trying to loot it? Do you light your Pip-Boy when you don’t mean to? Do you dread entering Workshop mode because the hold delay is soooooo long? Here’s the answer!

This isn’t a downloadable mod, these changes must be manually made to one of your Fallout 4 ini files. While these can be added to your Fallout4.ini, it’s easiest to add these lines to your Fallout4Custom.ini file. The advantage to using your Fallout4Custom.ini is that it should remain unchanged by any future patches.

Open your Documents/my games/Fallout 4/Fallout4Custom.ini

Copy/paste the following lines (use the pic as a guide to where):

[Controls] fEnterWorkshopDelay=0.5

You don’t need to add all three Delay= lines, you can add just two of them or even only one. Just add whichever one(s) you feel need adjusting.

The number (0.5 is what I used) is seconds. You can adjust them to suit your own play style. The three do not have to all be the same.

fEnterWorkshopDelay — Sets how long you have to hold the key to enter Workshop mode.

fPipboyLightDelay — Sets how long you have to hold the key to turn on your light.

fZKeyDelay — Sets how long you have to hold the key to pick up an object. (In Fallout 3/NV, the Z key was used to pick up items.)

Additional settings from comments:

fThrowDelay — Sets how long you have to hold the key to arm a grenade.

Changing any of these values will take effect the next time the game is launched. Meaning: you can’t [alt Tab] out of the game to change them for your current session.

Credits: Soukey
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