Chameleon Transparency Removal

Fallout 4 Mods |

Chameleon Transparency Removal

What This Mod Does:
This mod is designed to remove the transparency visual effect displayed during the player’s use of any Legendary Chameleon armor, while maintaining the proper invisibility rating provided by said armor. Basically, you can still see yourself and your weapon (including sights) while “invisible” to NPCs.

Quick Info:
The effect still only occurs when sneaking & stationary, just like standard chameleon, sometimes you’re semi-transparent (in 3rd-person only; un-equip Chameleon stuff to make it go away; the effect persists even after you move, stand, etc., and it returns upon re-equip of Chameleon armor), the Pip-Boy seems to work better, Stealth Boys still make you & NPCs transparent, the invisibility bonuses from each piece still stack, and NPCs don’t turn transparent when using Chameleon armor.

I’ve provided a FOMod installer which allows you to choose one of the six options listed below. This should work with Nexus Mod Manager. Upon opening a savegame, you must re-equip any chameleon armor for the mod to provide the invisibility rating.

The main file comes with six ESPs, each with a different impact on the invisibility rating of one piece of Legendary Chameleon armor.
ChamInvisChange20.esp – This option retains the vanilla invisibility rating for each Legendary Chameleon armor piece. Use this if you ONLY want to get rid of transparency and NOT impact the capabilities of the armor.
ChamInvisChange40.esp – This option doubles the vanilla invisibility rating for each Legendary Chameleon armor piece. Use this if you want to get rid of transparency AND want each Chameleon armor piece to be twice as effective in making you invisible.
ChamInvisChange60.esp – This option triples the vanilla invisibility rating for each Legendary Chameleon armor piece. Use this if you want to get rid of transparency AND want each Chameleon armor piece to be three times as effective in making you invisible.
ChamInvisChange80.esp – This option quadruples the vanilla invisibility rating for each Legendary Chameleon armor piece. Use this if you want to get rid of transparency AND want each Chameleon armor piece to be four times as effective in making you invisible.
ChamInvisChange100.esp – This option quintuples the vanilla invisibility rating for each Legendary Chameleon armor piece. Use this if you want to get rid of transparency AND want each Chameleon armor piece to be five times as effective in making you invisible.
ChamInvisChange500.esp – This option makes each Legendary Chameleon armor piece add 500 to your invisibility rating, meaning one piece should make you effectively invisible to every NPC in any condition. Use this if you want to get rid of transparency AND want each Chameleon armor piece to be capable of making you completely invisible.

Additional Info (read this before you complain):
This mod works by adjusting the “Invisibility” actor rating. Somehow, this actually makes the player semi-transparent even when the transparency overlay effect is bypassed (see image “Screenshot17”). This appears to only effect third-person view, as in first-person I never saw it. This semi-transparency effect increases with your invisibility rating, and does not go away until you un-equip the Chameleon stuff. Maybe I’ll figure out how to fix it later, but for now, it accomplishes my ultimate goal which was to maintain weapon sighting capabilities while in first-person sneak.
Take a look at the images “Screenshot19” and “Screenshot20”. I equipped Piper with a Chameleon right leg, took her as a follower, made sure she equipped it, then crouched and waited for her to stop moving. She did not turn transparent. Fascinating stuff.
I’ve only impacted the way the Chameleon armor pieces work. This means that Stealth Boys will still make you and other NPCs transparent. The image “Screenshot18” shows Piper, having just activated a Stealth Boy. She still appears transparent.
The PipBoy still seems like it’s effected visually somehow, but works better than before (for me, at least). It looks like it’s still removing the screen’s dark background, but maintaining the standard user interface.
As far as invisible creatures, I’m not sure. I thought the chameleon deathclaw could turn invisible but in all my tests, it didn’t. So who knows. Report what you see.

This is a work in progress and is my first major mod. Please report any issues so I can improve this mod. Please do not adapt my files for your own mods without crediting me. Thank you to AeonVita for inspiration with his mod “Alternative Chameleon Visuals” and thank you to Moraelin for his advice in the forums, which led me to the ultimate solution to get this mod to work.

Credits: Freakuent
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