Wearable Camo Backpacks

Fallout 4 Mods |

Wearable Camo Backpacks

Wearable Camo Backpacks
by Aldebaran90 & Voivre

This mod needs Armorsmith Extended by Gambit77 to work properly. And AE’s plugin needs to be put on the bottom of your load order to avoid conflicts. Don’t forget to READ Gambit77’s instructions and FAQS in his comment section for more information. If you don’t use it, you WILL have problems with armors.

This mod is the result of my collaboration with the awesome Voivre. It adds 46 backpacks with different camo textures. Voivre made all the retextures and I made the plugin and material files. This mod uses Wearable Travel Backpack’s assets.

We decided to publish this as a new mod because the variants are too many to just be optional downloads. Voivre has done such a hard work on the textures, this doesn’t belong to the optionals. Voivre’s textures make me so confused and it feels like playing a princess mix and match mobile game. 🙂

Each backpack has support for 3 different slots; slot 50, slot 51, and slot 61. So in total, there are 138 backpacks in game.

50 – Conflicts with Bandannas (Armorsmith Extended’s version of bandannaslot).

51 – Conflicts with armors with full sleeves/gloves such as Kellog’sOutfit. This is the least compatible option.

61 – This is used at the beginning of the game for carrying the baby,should be the best option unless used by another mod or if it’s used by other vanilla scene that I don’t know of.

To use armor that covers forearms slot, like Colonial Duster, Kellog’s Outfit, Grognak’s Costume, Cleanroom Suit etc, equip the [50] or [61].

Backpacks’ Names

“Camo Backpack [Indonesian Digital Camo] [61]”=> This is a backpack with Indonesian Digital Camo motive that uses slot 61.


The backpacks only have 1 type of Carry Weight Bonus (100CW). Why I didn’t include Carry Weight Bonus variants like I did in the Wearable Travel Backpack? Because of.. haaand craaaaampppssss.

There are 46 textures. And 1 texture means 3 different ArmorAddon records (3 kinds of slots), 3 Different Armor records (3 different slots), 1 material swap record, 1 BGSM file. If I had to add more carry weight bonus for each texture.. No I don’t want to think about it. If you want to change the carry weight bonus, I have included 5 CW,10 – 90 CW bonus in the plugin and you only have to changeit in FO4Edit.

Voivre has also provided an optional download for the clean textures version.

Currently the backpacks are not craftable, but a patch by Stndmunki is coming.

Please note that due to the amount of records in this mod,there is a big possibility that we missed something in its making, even after testing this several times. We’d really appreciate it if you can report the problems you find to us, and please be gentle. These eyes are weary, these hands are trembling. Gaaah.

Also understand that due to limited biped slot the vanillagame has, therewill be certain armors that won’t be compatible with the backpacks.


1. Make sure this line is present in your fallout4.ini:

=> This works too, under the [Archive] entry in fallout4.ini, put bInvalidateOlderFiles=1, and make sure sResourceDataDirsFinal= contains nothing
(delete the MESHES\, TEXTURES\ etc)

2. Make sure this line is present under the [LAUNCHER]entry: bEnableFileSelection=1

3. Install Wearable Camo Backpacks – 1.0 using your fave manager. If you want to install manually, extract Wearable Camo Backpacks – 1.0 to your Data folder,
and enable the esp.


In console (~)

Type in: help camo 4

Look for the backpack that you want, you should see ID number such as 1000869

Type in: player.additem 1000869 (it can be any numbers)


We’d like to thank Bethesda for the original assets that we used in this mod.

We’d also like to thank Stndmunki who has agreed to make a craftable patch for this mod. We know 138 recipes are no joke.


Voivre and I are the only ones who can upload this mod to other websites. You are allowed to make patches and translation plugins for this mod, but please notify us by PM so we can see your work and link them in the description page.

If you want to use any texture assets from this mod, you have to contact Voivre and ask permission from her. Contact me via PM if you want to use meshes, materials, and esp from this mod.

P.s. Girlpower yeaah. Sorry Voivre I had to say that lol

Credits: Aldebaran90 and Voivre
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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