Wasteland Operator (Multicam and A-TACS AU Railroad Armor and Assault Gas Mask)

Fallout 4 Mods |

Wasteland Operator (Multicam and A-TACS AU Railroad Armor and Assault Gas Mask)

Looking for something more tactical? The Wasteland Operator outfit is a must have for you Tier One pipe hitters. This is a highly detailed re-texture of the Railroad Armor and Assault Gas Mask featuring a Crye Precision Multicam pattern.

Update: A-TACS AU pattern variant added.

With Fallout Mod Manager or Nexus Mod Manager

– Download the camo variant and/or pieces that suit your preference.
– Edit your fallout4.ini located in “userprofile”\Documents\My Games\Fallout 4.
– Make sure that the following line is present: sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, TEXTURES\
– Extract the archive to your Data folder.

Mods that go well with Wasteland Operator:
– Armorsmith Extended:
The Railroad Armor outfit may not provide as much protection as armored army fatigues paired with a full set of combat armor, or similar sets of modifiable armor/clothing. My solution to this problem is
to use Armorsmith Extended, which allows you to add modifications and armor weaving. This brings
the Railroad Armor’s max resistances to 206 Ballistic, 260 Energy, and
10 Radiation (from 93/150/10).

Check out my Wasteland Reaper (Multicam Black version) here.

Credits: Taereus
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