Visible Weapons – 3rd Person Holster

Fallout 4 Mods |

Visible Weapons – 3rd Person Holster

Visible Weapons
You. Keep your weapons where I can see ’em.

First things first – I want to be upfront on a few things.

This mod won’t work alone.

You need weapon models as apparel items for the weapons that you want to see on your back / hip / holster.

Where can you get them?

Armorsmith Extended
Nanosuit Accessories
WOBA – Weapons on Back Addon

These are a small selection of mods that I’ve personally used. There are certainly many more that I’ve missed!

If your mod provides weapon models / holsters as apparel items, let me know and I’ll include them in this list!

Works great with Armorsmith Extended’s Sniper Rifle on Back, Katana Belt, and Pistol Harness.
Nanosuit Accessories’ Pistol Holster is also compatible.

Weaponsmith Extended (coming soon) will soon include wearable weapons for all included mods!

Can also be used with Outfit Switcher to change your loadout when drawing or holstering your weapon.

MOD AUTHORS: You can now have your weapons visible out-of-the-box without adding any external dependencies!
See the Mod Authors’ section below.

There hasn’t been much incentive before for mod authors to have a weapon model in apparel form,
but now that you can actually use them, this might change.

If you have a beautiful custom weapon that you’d like to see on you,
make a request to your favorite mod author to include the weapon model as an apparel item!


Weapons as apparel on your back and in holsters have been around for a while now.
But so far, they’ve been mostly useful for screenshots because they aren’t actually usable!
They stay on your back all the time, and nothing kills immersion more than seeing them stay static on your back when you draw that exact weapon.
They clutter up your inventory too.

Visible Weapons lets you link up weapon and weapon model. Once linked, they function as one item. When inactive, weapon models won’t show in your Apparel inventory.

That’s right! Once you equip a linked weapon it shows up on your body!


Once installed, you will receive Visible Weapons Config in the Aid section of your Inventory.

Use it to configure a one-time link between your desired weapon and weapon model.

Ensure the weapon you want to link is currently equipped, and select Link Current Weapon.

Then choose the weapon model to link it to. This item must be in the Apparel section of your inventory, not the Weapons section.

Now, once you equip a linked weapon it will show up on your body.

Holster Modes

Weapon stays on your back/hip/holster if you holster your weapon before switching it out for another.
In this mode you can have a sniper rifle on your back while using a pistol.

Weapon stays on you even when unequipped. In this mode you can have a sniper rifle on your back while using a pistol.

Only currently equipped weapons show on your body. Exactly how Fallout 3 and Fallout: New Vegas handled it!

For holsters. Ensures that the holster stays when your weapon is equipped.

There hasn’t been much incentive before for mod authors to have a weapon model in apparel form,
but now that you can actually use them, this might change.

If you have a beautiful custom weapon that you’d like to see on you,
ask your favorite mod authors to include the weapon model as an apparel item!

Video Showcase


Q: I get Link Failed! when trying to link my weapon.

A: You are wrongly selecting the weapon instead of the weapon apparel item. The linked item must be in the Apparel section of your inventory, not the Weapons section.

You don’t need to select the weapon you want to link. The Config will automatically determine the weapon you have currently equipped and link your selected item to that weapon.

Q: What does this mod do, exactly?
Q: Does this automatically work with any weapon I have?

A: Short answer, no! What I’ve done here is create a framework that allows for automatic equipping and unequipping of apparel pieces when you draw and holster your weapon. You’ll need weapon models as apparel pieces for the weapons you want to show up. I hope you understand that this is just the beginning to, hopefully, something more. Modders can create weapon models for your favorite weapons and optionally pre-link them so that they work seamlessly and without needing any user configuration. At this point in time, there aren’t a whole lot of weapon models available as apparel items, although there are modders that are working on creating more. Once again, this is the framework!

Mod Authors
Expand to view.

Spoiler Show

Other mods by me:

Bullet Time – Slow Time
Better Wait Menu and Wait Anywhere

Companions Go Home
Send your companions to their original homes or to Home Plate.

Car Launcher
A for-fun mod that lets you shoot cars at your enemies.

Outfit Switcher
Save entire loadouts and swap between them via hotkey. It’s like favorites, but entire loadouts at a time.

See all of my mods here.

Made possible by FO4Edit and the amazing Caprica compiler.

Credits: registrator2000
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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