Vintage ink and Naughty Underwear – Copycat style

Fallout 4 Mods |

Vintage ink and Naughty Underwear – Copycat style


My first attempt at texture modding (altough I use the term lightly since I basiclly just used copy/paste), originaly just for my own use, but I liked the result so I decided to upload. Combines two tattoos from Jase180’s “Vintage Ink” with Leito86’s “Naughty Nightwear” lingerie player skin. If you like this mod and want to endorse it, then please endorse them as well since they did the real work (links in credits section at the bottom) and they were kind enough to give me permission to release this mod. Oh, and this mod only changes the female skin.


This mod is not compatible with mods that change the female’s body textures.

Jase180’s Vintage Ink mod contains a female skin even though it’s a male only mod (altough a female version is underway), so if you want to use his mod for male characters then make sure to either install his mod before mine and the “Naughty Nightwear”, or make sure you only install the playermale files.

Requirments (install in this order):

Unique Player, found at:

!!Optional!! (see description)- Vintage Ink, found at:

Naughty Nightwear, found at:



Install manually by unzipping files and move to your default fallout 4 data folder, overwrite if asked. Default pathway should look something like thist;

C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data


Sorry, don’t really have the time nor skillset for it.


Nothing in this mod is my own material so you would have to go to the original creators for that (see credits below).


d_rail1602 – For his “Unique Player” mod that allows custom skins for your character, best described as a “must have”;

Leito86 – Big thanks for granting me permission to use textures from the “Naughty Underwear” mod;

jase180 – Equally big thanks for granting me permission to use textures from the “Vintage Ink” mod;

Credits: Skottorp
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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