Vault suit 111 sexy black

Fallout 4 Mods |

Vault suit 111 sexy black

Hello Everyone this is my first retexture ever soo it is not perfect but i do like it

The pictures above show always the latest version (0.3 ATM)

oh and yes my pc is a potato …vodka is made out of potatos ….potatos die if you eat them

Update: 0.3
I remade the texture now it is looking waaay better i also made a new normal map and a specular map for this
the old files a still there but be aware they look like Deathclaw shit as i sad these were my first trys and were poorly made
but i think i´m geting better each version
the pictures above are on the lowest possible settings exept terxtures i set them to high
and sry for my bad english


Credits: Rohgen
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