Vault 81 Molerat Disease Immunity with Power Armor and Hazmat

Fallout 4 Mods |

Vault 81 Molerat Disease Immunity with Power Armor and Hazmat

This mod simply prevents you from getting infected with the molerat disease if you are wearing Power Armor or a Hazmat Suit.

Only your character needs to be equipped with Power Armor or a Hazmat Suit. And you wont get infected even if your companion gets bit without Power Armor or Hazmat. Just as long as you are wearing PA or Hazmat, then you are protected.

There should be no compatibility issues with any other mods. And it should also work with mods that change the effects of the molerat disease.

Update: Added 2 optional files for PA only or Hazmat only immunity.

To install either use NMM or install manually by dropping the *.esp file in your Fallout 4\Data folder and activating it.

To uninstall simply remove the *.esp file(s).

Credits: ParasiteX
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