Unlimited Followers

Fallout 4 Mods |

Unlimited Followers

This is my first ever made mod , so please, don’t make me feel shit if the mod sucks =( [left][/left] I did this to the best of my abilities, i hope i’ll learn something new everyday!
I created this mod by making new quests in Fo4Edit and creating new packages, copies of older packages, attached to them. Im making a quest for every single follower, so you will be able to have them all if you want ( sounds op tbh but whatever 😀 )

Done using Fo4Edit

This mod makes you have up to 13 followers following you around like true followers. They have their dialogues and everything. They are not fake copies of the original companions.


Download the file from the download section of this page

Grab the file inside the Folder downloaded and drop it inside your Fallout4/Data folder

Enable it via any Mod Manager of your preference

PS: If upgrading from an older version, it’s MANDATORY to remove the older files. Resulting in duplicate files and/or versions will make your game glitchy as hell. Even more than vanilla. That’s something terrifying, imho.

These Are the new Quests Names to use in console while writing the codes:
-Recruiting is now easier! Example: if you want to recruit Curie, instead of writing “followers(number)” and “companion(number)” you will write in console:
setconsolescopequest Curie
forcerefintoalias Curie
setplayerteammate 1

Another example, for maccready:
setconsolescopequest robert
forcerefintoalias robert
setplayerteammate 1

REMEMBER TO ALWAYS CLICK ON THEM IN CONSOLE COMMAND BEFORE TYPING THE CODES, for example if u want to recruit curie, first click on her in console mode then type the codes.

Dismissal works in the same way. Example: you want to dismiss curie? go in the console, click on her, then type
Setconsolescopequest curie
emptyrefalias curie
setplayerteammate 0
removefac 23c01

OPTIONAL: MADE BAT FILES FOR RECRUITING AND DISMISSING. FOLLOW THIS WITH ATTENTION: Since console doesnt compile “forcerefintoalias” and “emptyrefalias” while using bat files, i made them to write all the codes except that, which you will have to type manually in console.

EXAMPLE: Want to recruit Preston? go in console then type “run preston” and then write “forcerefintoalias preston” and you are done.

DISMISSING works in the same way, go in soneole and type “run prestondismiss” and then write “emptyrefalias preston”.

FOR ANYONE WONDERING: Nick Valentine got fixed and now hacks terminals when u ask him to do it as normal.

If someoen can make a working bat file, i will appreciate it. As of now, bat files do not compile the line “forcerefintoalias”, so we’re stuck with writing with our own hands .. sorry guys.

Skyrimlu made an amazing and right in time console support for my mod! it will make my mod really easier and less time consuming for you all! kudos for him
Unlimited Companions Console Support


This file is provided as is and the author holds no responsiblity for anything that may come to happen from using this file.

Use this file as you wish in any mod but only with my permission and credit, thanks.


BEthesda for Fallout4.

Prophet for finding the console commands thanks to his Two followers mod. This mod would not be possible without his commands

FO4Edit creators


Credits: Amoveve
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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