True Cannibal Overhaul

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True Cannibal Overhaul

PSA : If you are going to edit leveled list DO NOT BE ME AND EDIT OVER 800 NPC’s just search for LLD and edit appropriately… save yourself 16 hours, and alcohol poisoning.

Merry Christmas All. Here it’s, Finally ;~; My True Cannibal Overhaul!

This mod aims to overhaul all aspects of the vanilla cannibal system.

What Is Changed?
– New standalone Recipes to cook for you classy cannibals
– New standalone items to gather and either use or cook ( I Advise cooking )
– Cannibal Perks ( Optional If You Don’t Want Them Changed )
– Companion Strong ( Minor Change : He now gives you occasionally some of the new Items )
Perk Changes
– Rank 1 and 2 of Cannibalism remain the same, however at Rank 3 you can now eat Synths!
– Optionals will include various effects you receive upon eating corpses
– All Ranks now say “DEVOUR” instead of “EAT CORPSE”

New Items
(HB) – Human Blood ~ all humans will have x amount of blood on them
(HM) – Human Meat ~ all humans will have x amount of meat on them
(HS) – Human Skin ~ all humans will have x amount of skin on them ( which can be turned into leather! )
(GB) – Ghoul Blood ~ all ghouls will have x amount of blood on them
(GM) – Ghoul Meat ~ all ghouls will have x amount of meat on them
(GS) – Ghoul Skin ~ all ghouls will have x amount of skin on them ( which can be turned into leather! )
(SB) – Super Blood ~ all Supermutants will have x amount of blood on them and chance for x human meat/blood/skin
(SM) – Super Meat ~ all Supermutants will have x amount of meat on them
(SS) – Super Skin ~ all Supermuants will have x amount of skin on them ( which can be turned into leather! )
(SC) – Synth Component ~ all synths now carry this item on them

New Recipes ( * = Ingredient )
-Cortana ~ Gives +3 Str / Int / Agi and -5 Chr for 1 hour
* SC = 3
* Nuclear Material = 5
* Circuit Board Military = 3
– Human Stew ~ Restores 15 hp for 10 seconds / Reinforces Limbs for 1 hour
* Cooking Oil = 1
* Tato = 1
* Carrot = 2
* HM = 1
– Ghoul Flambe ~ Restores 10 hp for 8 seconds / Grants Nightvision and Rad Resistance 80% for 5mins
* Beer = 1
* Silt Bean = 2
* GM = 1
– Mutant Kebab ~ Restores 5 hp for 10 seconds / HP regeneration rate increased and Action Points increased for 5mins
* Corn = 1
* Tato = 1
* Carrot = 1
* SM = 1
– Glowing Personality ~ Increases Charisma + 5 for 5mins
* SB = 2
* GB = 5
– Oliver’s Porridge ~ Increases Carry Weight + 30 and increases total HP + 30 for 10mins
* Bone = 1
* Carrot = 1
* HM = 1
– Strange Meat Pie ~ It’s a surprise, warning side effects may include loss of life, loss of wife and overall loss in general
* HM = 1
* HB = 2
– Superman ~ Become the Man of Steel! + 20 Melee dmg and + 3 Str for 3mins / Become Faster and Reflect bullets for 2mins
* Beer = 1
* SB = 3
– Mystery Friday ~ The Effect of this recipe I will change every Friday Real Life so you never know what it is till you try!
* SM = 1
* HM = 1
* GM = 1

1. DL with NMM and Done ( make sure to follow the directions of the updated NMM to ensure best performance )
2. Manual Install
1. Place the .esp in the DATA folder inside your Fallout4 folder ( this is the folder with fallout4.exe in it )
2. Open the launcher and make sure “TrueCannibalOverhaul” is checked

Planned Features
– Updates of SOME kind every Friday including the Mystery Friday this could be new items, recipes, effects, audio, etc
– ReDo everything when GECK is out to make it better and more stable
– Instead of NPC’s just having items make a script so when you eat them you get the items
– Ability to Collect Limbs as their own item after you chop em up
– Maybe some kind of system where you start at level 1 cannibal and each meal progresses your rank not sure yet on this

What Is Going To Happen In The Coming Days After Christmas Like 1~3 Days After
– Add more Recipes ( especially aimed towards combat specifics )
– Learn how to make a fomod ASAP so I can include my tons of optionals and request without you needing 15-20 esp’s
– Perhaps Add Weapons / Armor based on the parts ( I wouldn’t expect this for at least 1-2 weeks, nifskope is quite beta atm )
– Video of some of the features, hopefully someone will make one because this mod killed my soul and will to live fucking NPC edits >:/

– BluemaxDR for letting me use his mod Tasty Eyeball Treats
– DrowningEmbers on Reddit for helping me with ideas for the mod and other users who contributed some ideas on reddit
– F04Edit Team without them, this would not be possible
– lunarionsilver I learned a lot from their mod Wastelander’s Cookbook

Everything in this mod was made with F04Edit, as it’s quite Beta still everything is experimental!

Final Notes
– If you have any Suggestions, Complaints or Ideas for the mod please leave a comment. After Christmas I will pretty much take up any Request anyone wants as long as it’s possible to do.
– Please Report ANY bugs you find, about 90% of all Synths, Mutants, Humans and Ghouls have the NEW ITEMS however there are some who do not, I don’t know why
– Thinking up Creative Names and Recipes was probably the HARDEST part of this entire mod.
– I am terrible at HTML, yes I know the description page sucks ~.~

Credits: fifteenspades
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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