TIE’s Vanilla Armor CBBE Bodyslide Conversion

Fallout 4 Mods |

TIE’s Vanilla Armor CBBE Bodyslide Conversion


Conversion made to fit all body types


Include all vanilla armor Caliente’s team won’t convert ( Exept Hazmat suit and armor parts ) :

-Armored coat (Railroad armor coat*)
-Army fatigues
-Engineer scribe (Engineer armor*)
-Field scribe (Field scribe armor*)
-Field scribe no pack (Brotherhood fatigues*)
-Knight lancer (Bomber jacket*)
-Maxon cape
-Maxon coat (Maxson’s battlecoat*)
-Minutemen leader (Minutemen General’s uniform*)
-Preston Garvey outfit (Colonial Duster*)
-Drifter outfit* (Base clothes for spike and cage armor)
-Spike armor* (This one come in two part , RaiderArmorClothe and RaiderArmorHeavy)
-Cage armor* (This one come in two part , RaiderArmorClothe and RaiderArmorMedium)
-Scribe officer (Teagan’s armor*)

(*) = Ingame name

You Don’t have any of those armor in your inventory ! Open console (ù or ²) and type ” player.additem 1fe1a6 1 ” without quotes for Maxson’s Battlecoat .

For Hazmat suit try this

For armors part try this

For BoS uniform try this

If you got a deformation between boobs set SternumHeight to 0 in bodyslide

Please tell me if something goes wrong ! It’s a lot of work , so i probably made some mistakes .

I will add clothes and maybe reworked all the outfits cause i’m tired to rework those in OS every time !

Thanks To Caliente and Ousnius

Credits: tielebras
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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