The Ultimate Faction Crossroads Save

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The Ultimate Faction Crossroads Save

My name is Ozymandias, king of kings: Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!

Have you played through the main quest and wondered what might have been if you had taken a different path? Want to see all the endings without trekking back through the entire game? With The Ultimate Faction Crossroads Save you will be transported into a very carefully orchestrated game state in the shoes of the Sole Survivor – Ozymandias. Here you will find a man who has played all sides of the faction coin, carefully weaving his way forward until he has exhausted all options before the “Point of No Return”. You are 1 quest stage away from picking any side, and plowing through the ending with a tricked out (but totally legit) level 74 Sole Survivor. Rest assured, this save state was done without any mods, cheats, or exploits* and has a plethora of tasty treats included (keep reading!)

Note: If you see an asterisk * while reading check towards the end of the guide for detailed notes / exceptions to what has been stated. Also major spoilers ahead!

The Man: Who is this guy?

He’s S.P.E.C.I.A.L.! (click to see perk loadout) He’s a heavy weapons, melee, and Power Armor focused specialist, he tears through Survival without a sweat. He’s loaded with an arsenal of tricked out (3/3 Blacksmith, 4/4 Gun Nut, 4/4 Science!) weapons and wears his Ballistic Weave (3/3 Armorer, Railroad weave unlocked) suits under his X-01 Power Armor (full 2x of each tier of PA included with many other pieces and frames ready to go!). He’s been a helpful, yet sarcastic, wasteland wanderer who has befriended not only the local populace (2/2 Local Leader) to support him (all settlements* unlocked), but has also garnered the admiration and respect of close friends (all companions* at max affinity with perk), and even found more than just a good friend (Curie romance!).

The Myth: The long road taken

While he has not discovered and cleared every last location in FO4, the vast majority which have any significance have been. During his travels he has uncovered all 20 Bobbleheads, found all 120 Magazines, collected a wide variety of unique and special weapons / armor, and has at his disposal a good chunk of crafting materials and caps.

All settlements* have been unlocked and are all linked with Provisioners, they are setup with at minimum a basic uniformed staff which includes:

Farmer w/ Advanced Double Barrel Shotgun, Farmhand Cloths, Green Rag Hat
Guard w/ Modded Laser Rifle, Army/Military Clothes, Army Helm, Combat Chest Armor
Artillery support /w Sniper Rifle, Field Scribe Armor & Hat
Provisioner /w Modded Combat Rifle, Traveling Leather Coat, Wrapped Cap

In addition, at Sunshine Tidings co-op I recruited all Level 4 vendors (Smiling Larry, Doc Anderson, Rylee, The Scribe, Ron Staples, and Anne Hargraves and assigned them to their corresponding shops. Your team is assembled and awaits your instructions!

Sanctuary Hills and Red Rocket are the 2 companion home bases, in these 2 locations you will find all your max-affinity companions (except for Preston, he’s been assigned to the The Castle so some other *%$*^&@# Minuteman can help some settlements…). These settlements have minor enhanced basic housing to support Ozy’s friends. Other settlements are ready for you building pleasure and have been left for the most part untouched besides building some food, water, beds, defense, and artillery.

In addition, a large multi-story personal settlement was build on Spectacle Island. Based on the amazing video by Jug Gaming – The Citadel this hand-built settlement awaits you! See below for a virtual video walk through!

Of course the first 3 main act quests have been completed, all 4 factions have been brought up to the following states:

The Minutemen – Completed up to and including Old Guns. Will advance to the next stage if banished from the Institute in any way.
The Brotherhood of Steel – The main file picks up at Tactical Thinking, talk to Lancer Captain Kells to begin the BoS path. The alternate file will place you at Blind Betrayal instead where you will have to confront Paladin Danse. * See the last section for why this was done.
The Railroad – In progress at Underground Undercover, you will have to progress further with the Institute (Mass Fusion) to move down this path.
The Institute – At the start of Mass Fusion, talk to Allie Filmore to start down the Institute (or Railroad) path.

Many side-quests (but not all) have been completed as well. These include, but are not limited to:

Last Voyage of the U.S.S. Constitution – Sided with the Robots of course!
The Silver Shroud – Never broke character! But sadly Kent did not make it 🙁 *
The Secret of Cabot House – Sided with Lorenzo
Pickman’s Gift – Let Pickman live, Strong liked that ZOMG!
Atom Cats – Gotta be a cool cat!
Prep School – Travel caravan settlement decoration unlocked

FYI, I purposely did not do Confidence Man, as I much prefer Travis before his personality change.

The Legend: Fine Print

You’ve come this way for the asterisks! ***

You’ll notice I have uploaded 2 saves, the Main Save and an Alternate Railroad-Friendly Save. The reason being, the problem of the quest Blind Betrayal. Going into this quest Paladin Danse will be unavailable as a companion and completing this quest will (if you are smooth enough talker) give you the option to unlock his max-affinity perk. Unfortunately, Tactical Thinking auto-starts immediately after Blind Betrayal is complete and this shuts down P.A.M.. While it doesn’t break the option of still siding with the Railroad, P.A.M. is source of radiant quests which will now be unavailable; this makes the game state less than ideal if you are planning on siding with the Railroad and why I created the Alternate Railroad-Friendly Save. Just realize you will not have access to Danse or his max-affinity perk in the Alternate save.

I said all settlements when I really mean all but 1, Nordhagen Beach… I cannot get this place unlocked as a allied settlement. For some reason I never got the initial clearing quest when I traveled here, and from what I understand, the only way to get this settlement allied is by getting a radiant quest from Preston / Radio Freedom. I’ve done about 50 of his stupid clear Ghoul, Super Mutant, kidnapping, etc quests and Nordhagen has so far never popped up. You may have better luck than me but I’ve had about enough of Garvey…

Although I have the Silver Shroud set you will not be able to upgrade them as I did not save Kent. I just couldn’t bring myself to break character as I went (mostly) chem free. This combined with me playing the entire game at Survival difficulty and the build I used was totally VATS free, made it (virtually) impossible to save him. If it really bothers you, you can try resurrecting him via console and trying to set the quest stage state (set MS04ArmorLevel to 45). No guarantees though…

Finally, I didn’t go completely mod free but the only ones I used were visual / UI based only. I did have to uninstall ESPs from the save Darker Nights, True Storms, Enhanced Blood Textures, Reginald’s suit upgrade, and Shaikujin’s Better warning for settlements being attacked. I also used Full Dialogue Interface but it shouldn’t effect the save at all (I believe). In addition, I did have to use a handful of console commands, these were for:

Upgrading the settlement size limit I hit on Spectacle Island building The Citadel. I set the WorkshopMaxDraws (setav 34B) to 10,000 from the default of 5,000.
I had to add the key for Barney Rook’s Family House as when I arrived the Mirelurks were dead and Barney was no where to be found. Since he appears to be a scripted NPC I couldn’t find any way to get him to appear. Without access to his basement I wouldn’t be able to get the last Guns and Bullets magazine.
I never found Ron Staples, so I targeted his reference ID, enabled him, set his actor values and then assigned him to the bar @ Sunshine Tidings co-op. I spend probably about 10 hours hunting down all the level 4 vendors and I have had enough of it :/
I slowed down the passage of time (set timescale to 6). I reverted this back to default (set timescale to 20) for the save, shouldn’t be any side-effect I think.

Some settlements will be “unhappy” as I didn’t want to go crazy building housing to support 10 settlers for every location since I do have a few active radio beacons up in various places. You’ll want to build some housing and / or manage the beacons and / or reduce the surplus population.


Enjoy! and perhaps you will…

.. or maybe not 🙂

Credits: tortugapir8
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