The Piper-est Piper

Fallout 4 Mods |

The Piper-est Piper

There is no doubt that Piper is a reasonably attractive woman, but I thought that the Commonwealth’s most charming journalist deserved an equally charming face to match. The thing is, her vanilla face does fit her personality well and I had become used to the way she looked (as, I assume, others have). Thus, I did not want to wholly re-invent her, make her look like a generic supermodel, or slather her in unrealistic, unbecoming, and unfitting amounts of makeup. Rather, I took her many attractive qualities and emphasized them without removing the features that make Piper look like Piper. Starting with her stock face I just added a little touch here, a tweak there, and without changing her basic proportions or removing anything I felt were distinctive features, I eventually came to a result that, I feel, is simply the good ole’ Piper that we know and love — just with an extra dose of heart-throbbing “WOW!”.

It should be noted that, in my screenshots I am currently using Valkyr’s face textures and deLuxe’s lip liner mask, so she will look a bit different if you don’t have those.

Mod Manager: Download with your mod manager and enable. Make sure .esp is checked, and that you do not have other plugins that edit the NPC. Add .esp to plugins.txt file in AppData/Local/Fallout4 and save.

Manual: Copy and paste .esp into the Data folder, and add .esp to plugins.txt file as described above.
The launcher has a habit of clearing that file when run, so either launch the .exe directly, or save the plugins.txt file AFTER the launcher is run.

At this point I must credit xatmos and his brilliant Face Ripper application, without which this mod, or really any modifications to NPC faces, wouldn’t be possible — at least not without extreme inconvenience. Also, the crew responsible for FO4Edit, which I used to extract Piper’s original face in .esp form. Amazing tool that enables nearly every mod on the Nexus.

Credits: Gawdzila
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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