The love of Eli – a dystopic Reshade

Fallout 4 Mods |

The love of Eli – a dystopic Reshade

Welcome to the Love of Eli. A dystopic Reshade

What is this?
This is a simple Reshade preset (there will be a more detailed ENB preset later on) to give the game a complete different look.
It aims to reproduce the look of the moovie “The Book of Eli”.

The atmosphere changes dramatically after a Nuclear war.
Therefor the Sunlight also changes and bleaches out everything in a more Radiating Sephia tone.
This gives the whole game a more desperate look.

1. Install the Reshade framework (please not inside the fallout drawer) and follow the mediator.exe first step instructions.
2. You will find a Reshade folder inside the Fallout4 main directory.
3. Put the content of this reshade preset inside the Reshade folder in your FO4 Dir. and replace the existing files.
(reshade is pretty new to me but this usually should work)

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