The legend of the Legendary Legendaries (WIP)

Fallout 4 Mods |

The legend of the Legendary Legendaries (WIP)

The purpose of this mod is, to make all legendaries unique and something you would actually want to use. No more ‘+50% damage against bugs and Mirelurks’. It also changed all VATS legendaries, to new once. It currently only changes weapons, but i am planning to add armor in a future update.

Version 1.2:

-Just a quick fix, forgot the Naming rules.

Version 1.1: (Shouldn’t be any problems with updating. If mods/weapons are invisible, go to a weapons bench and reattach the mods)

-Fixed some bugs. ‘Troubleshooter’s’ now does what it says, A few Custom Mods weren’t craftable, now they are.
-‘VATS’ and ‘no VATS’ versions.
-‘Mutant Slayer’s’ is now ‘Intimidating’, ‘VATS Enhanced’ is now ‘Big’ (still looking for a better name). I did this so ‘Intimidating’ is included it the VATS version.
-Lucky: Now gives you +2 Luck, and has a 5% chance to do +200 damage straight through armor. Doesn’t seem overpowered, because on average its +10 per shot.
-New mods for ‘Customizable’ and ‘Rigged’: Bipod for the Hunting Rifle, proper reflex scope for Pipe Guns, Long and Short Fluted Barrel for the Combat Rifle.

Version 1.0:


-Wounding: 25 damage per projectile and ignores armor? You can kill a Mirelurk Queen with 4 shots out of a Wounding Double-barrel Shotgun. Overpowered. Now does 10 damage.
-Irradiated: Now also does 10% more damage. Because, heavier uranium bullets or something.
-Plasma Infused: No reason to use if you have an Explosive or Incendiary weapon. Now does 15 damage as well.
-Two Shot: Doubles the number of projectile, not +1, so it works for shotguns now.
-Crippling: Now does 200% limb damage, but -25% normal damage. Now enemies might actually survive until you can shoot their legs off.
-Never Ending: Just overpowered and ridiculous. Bottomless Double-barrel or revolver? How does that work? Now doubles magazine size (This is applied before all other magazine mods).


-VATS Enhanced: Now ‘Intimidating’. Aim at an enemy, press ‘Activate’ and they might surrender. See Version 1.1
-Quickdraw: 25% faster reload, 50% lighter. Also reduces the attack delay.
-Stalker’s: Now does x2 sneak damage for melee, x1.5 for guns. Should stack with ‘Ninja’
-Freezing, Relentless, Frenzy: ‘Critical hits …’ is now ‘5% chance to…”
-Lucky: gives you luck. (That’s boring, i will change that) See Version 1.1

Enemy type:

-Ghoul Slayer’s: Now ‘Bashing’ doubles bash damage. Secondary attack damage for melee.
-Troubleshooter’s: Now also applies to synth’s and turrets.
-Mutant Slayer’s: Now ‘Big’ (I know it’s boring, but i’m crap at naming things). 50% more damage, doubles weight. See Version 1.1
-Exterminator’s/Hunter’s: Now ‘Customizable’ and ‘Rigged’. Unlocks ‘Custom’ weapon mods. All mods require only a few screws and adhesive and have reduced Perk requirements. Currently, i only have a few .50 conversions, a Laser barrel that shoots a weaker version of the Liberty Prime laser and some slightly changed versions of vanilla mods. I’m planning to add more in a future update.
-Assasin’s: (WIP) Now ‘Fancy’. Currently, it only increases value x2. I’m planning to give them different craftable skins, just like the Baseball bat.

All other legendary weapons are unchanged.

What I’m planning to do in future updates: Add weapon skins for ‘Fancy’ weapons. Add more mods for ‘Customizable’ and ‘Rigged’ weapons. Change legendary armors.

Credits: iwonderif
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