TenPines expanded

Fallout 4 Mods |

TenPines expanded

First attempt to create a mod, since in my opinion, TenPines is way to small, considered where it is located and that there is no reason for it being that small.

Pictures are just there to give an expression on how far you can build, not showing the real “borders”, especially on the hill side, since the trees made it hard to place the shack foundations.


After a few more tests and some reports of users, in most cases, it should be possible to use this .esp without suffering any resets or overrides.

Myself, I had to get rid of one of those “fixes”, that were causing more problems, then helping or in other words: In a new play through, it was and still is possible to use this .esp AND “spring cleaning” with NO issues.

Some of the fallen trees and bushes can’t be removed, since they are not on the scrap list, so if you want to get rid of them, you might want to give one of the other “scrap mods” a try – I am going to stick with “spring cleaning” in any case and way.

If you are witnessing any problems, send me a message – if possible, not just “this doesn’t work” and instead with the mods you are using besides this one.

Credits: Eysenbeiss
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