Team Falcon

Fallout 4 Mods |

Team Falcon

Team Falcon-v2.0_WIP
This mod has been made as self contained as possible until a ba2 packer comes out.
I have been working on getting our guns into the game. But with the limitations of
NifSkope I am being hindered. I will get them soon.

So far I have 2 special rifles for you to find. Both can be modded, both have better damage.
1st. is Falcon’s Rifle with a slightly higher damage rate. It can be modded up to a .50 cal
sniper rifle. during modding the name may change.
2nd. is a unique rifle Falcon’s Eagle. So far every time any in our team has gone to pick it up
it has been a sniper rifle. It has a slightly higher damage rate than Falcon’s Rifle. It also can
be modded but the Name will stay as is. The first can be found in one of the first missions
out of Sanctuary. Falcon’s Eagle will be found at the end of a mission for an Old Minuteman
member. Don’t want to give anything away.

Both of these are variants of the hunting rifle. I have added 2 unique items in the weapons
workbench for hunting rifles.
1st. “Falcon’s Tactical Stock” it is stand alone and its color will not affect the Marksman.
It adds a little better accuracy and stability than the Marksman.
2nd. “Falcon’s Ported Barrel” also a little better than the long ported barrel.
Nothing extreme.

Also spread throughout the waste you will find duffel bags, lockers and containers
containing ammo, aid or guns.

Also in this MOD are the Team outfits from USMC (United Survivalist Militia Corp.)
They use the Courser and MacCready’s duster. They are both stand alone. The Courser
is unchanged except for its Patches and resistance. The Duster was made for both team
leaders only “Lighthorse and Condor”. I am temporarily using wildgravity’s texture
until ours is done. The texture will not affect the duster that MacCready wears.
Both have resistance levels a little higher than the railroad coat.

Next we added the Weapons Legendary options to the Weapons bench. Did not do the
Armor Legendary’s as it seemed you get those all day long.
I have seen sense someone has a mod that does both, I do not know if it will conflict.
but I really don’t want to put the time into doing the Armor. If enough ask for it I’ll find
his and ask to import his armor.

Now to start and get stuff. No I am not going to say where stuff is, just know it is there
waiting to be found, one in plain sight.

First when you leave the vault go to the house you started at and look on the counter open
the Med box and READ the note. then help Codsworth out, hes been waiting a long time.

To Install: Extract to the Fallout 4 Data folder.

To remove: All our files are always in a TeamFalcon folder.

Credits: Lighthorse
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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