Super Laser Rifle Mods with STANDALONE Textures

Fallout 4 Mods |

Super Laser Rifle Mods with STANDALONE Textures

Super Laser Rifle Mods
With STANDALONE Textures + Optional Vanilla Texture Replacer

Tired of using the limited variety of Vanilla mods ? Then this is the mod for you. It adds 4 new weapon modifications to Laser rifle. Each mod is unique on their own way and has multiple special abilities. It comes with Standalone textures. NO more same Vanilla textures for unique mods. For bonus a separate Optional Vanilla texture replacer is added in case if you want to use those textures on Vanilla mods. Standalone and Vanilla – both can be used together.

Mods Details
Supercharged Capacitor:
STATS: 2X damage / 2X Critical shot + Burning damage / Worse Ammo capacity and Accuracy (Compared to Overcharged Capacitor)
CRAFTING: Aluminum, Circuitry, Crystal, Fiberglass, Adhesive, Gold, Nuclear material, Screw
PERKS: Science 4 + Gun nut 3

Super Automatic Barrel:
STATS: 0.5X damage + Range + Rate of fire / Worse Ammo capacity / 3X more VAT AP costs (Compared to Improved Automatic Barrel)
CRAFTING: Aluminum, Circuitry, Crystal, Fiberglass, Fiber-optics, Adhesive, Gold, Nuclear material, Screw
PERKS: Science 4 + Gun nut 3

Super Sniper Barrel:
STATS: 0.5X damage + Range / Improved hip-fire / Worse Ammo capacity / 3X more VAT AP costs (Compared to Improved Sniper Barrel)
CRAFTING: Aluminum, Circuitry, Crystal, Fiberglass, Fiber-optics, Adhesive, Gold, Nuclear material, Screw
PERKS: Science 4 + Gun nut 3
TEXTURED VERSION: Brown / Dark Purple (You’ve to choose during installation)

Super Beam Focuser:
STATS: 0.5X Range with Quantum gyro effects (Targeting Computer) / Improved hip-fire / 3X Recoil (Compared to Improved Beam Focuser)
CRAFTING: Aluminum, Circuitry, Crystal, Fiberglass, Fiber-optics, Adhesive, Gold, Nuclear material, Screw
PERKS: Science 4 + Gun nut 3

Ammo: 4 different color – Blue /White /Red / Orange (You’ve to choose during installation)

Install with NMM. Choose your desired option during installation – Barrels & Fusion cell texture OR Install manually.

Optional (Super LR Cell 1.0):
Choose your desired texture during installation. This will replace vanilla “Fusion cell” texture.

Optional (Super LR Vanilla 1.0):
Choose your desired texture during installation. This will replace vanilla “Automatic” “Improved Automatic” “Sniper” and “Improved Sniper” barrel texture.

Optional (Super LR VanSTAND 1.0):
Same as the previous “Super LR Vanilla 1.0” except it links the Super mod’s textures to Vanilla mods, so both both mods use same texture.

None as far as i know. It adds new items with unique id’s and separate textures, so it shouldn’t conflict or overwrite any mods unless unfortunately a mod use same record as this one. If you use any vanilla Laser texture replacer then the OPTIONAL VERSION will conflict by overwriting them. Other than that IT IS COMPATIBLE WITH EVERYTHING.

Credits: GokuGX
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