Stuttering fix for those with 4gb ram

Fallout 4 Mods |

Stuttering fix for those with 4gb ram

NOTE: the game will still stutter after this,but hopefully lot less,and waiting time for stutter to stop(area to load) will be quicker

In your fallout4.ini change the following to:


uExterior Cell Buffer=64

iPreloadSizeLimit= 2097152000

save and set the file to “read only”.

Open fallout4Prefs.ini and change


save and set to “read only”

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5 Responses

  1. Alan says:

    This mod woks very well for me. I am running 4 gig ram and the game flows well enough to play. Thank you for your input.

  2. dildo says:

    Not working

  3. me says:

    Try iPreloadSizeLimit=262144000 or even 314572800 to see if you’re swapping first before trying just 2gb instead of the default 4gb (4096*1024*100)

  4. ric says:

    Not working, nothing changed. Please stop spreading misleading fixes.

  5. gerry1972 says:

    Hello from Greece and Happy New Year. My PC also has 4Gb ram with Palit GT 2 Gb and sometimes the game get out to desktop!! i don’t understand why the old graphic cards but with 2 gb ram don’t have the power for someone to play modern games. There is no file to download, i see. Thank you.

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