Static Object IDs Word Document by Re-writen

Fallout 4 Mods |

Static Object IDs Word Document by Re-writen

I made this for personal use initaly but i thougth maybe other would like too have a easy too print list too.
I found the ID’s here so al credits too the person that made it in the first place.
But i had trouble printing it and stuff so i decided too make it in a word document that takes as less place on a A4 paper.
And its all in black.

Its located in a 7-zip file so u just have too unpack it and u will have a word document with the list.

The document contains ID’s of:
Terrain – farmplots and stones and stuff
Plants – mostly grass
two sets of decorations – wich of some are moveable like the planks they used between the boats at Libertia
Some furniture
Building assets – like piers, walls and broken airplanes
Some random stuff i found like static weapons that are only for decorational use

The list is not complete yet i just thougth some other people maybe intrested in a list like this.
I will have some flaws i just made it so i dont have too got too chrome everytime i wanna put in a static object in the game.
Now i can just look at the printed out list.

While i was at it i added some console commands that i find handy too have. And a list of all crafting material havent used this yet but while sure use in the future.

I would really recommend using Precise object moving and rotating with the objects on this list for fast and easy moving of the objects.
After you selected the object through the console and move it it will vibrate. type disable and enable too make that stop.

The same goes for object you can place through the settlement menu itself you can select it while your in the settlement menu this while stop the vibrating too.
Sometimes when you where in the settlement menu when you moved the object through the console is recommended too leave and renter the settlement menu sometimes the object would otherwise go too the state it had before you mopved it through the console.


Credits: NeedCaffeine
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