So you think you’re SPECIAL

Fallout 4 Mods |

So you think you’re SPECIAL

So you think you’re S.P.E.C.I.A.L? adds multiple esp’s to shape gameplay more towards your preferred style. Do you want to handicap yourself with minimal S.P.E.C.I.A.L points to allocate or do you dream of being a god among men? 5 different options to choose from, and remember, everyone is S.P.E.C.I.A.L in their own way!

Pity Party – You are nothing more than a quivering pound of flesh when it comes to functioning! Start with the initial 7 points. All stats start on 1.

God Loves a Trier – At least you tried…not that it helped! Start with 21 points. Allows for an average of 3 in each stat across the board (Forces greater emphasis on specialization).

Average Joe – Nobody remembers your face, but then again nobody remembers you for the wrong reasons! Start with 35 points. Allows for an average of 5 in each stat across the board.

Pretty Special – In school you were good at sports and got good grades. You were THAT guy! Start with 49 points. Allows for an average of 7 in each stat across the board.

The Most Specialist – You are a god amongst men! Start with 70 points. Allows for an average of 10 in each stat across the board.

Now includes a 40 point option to be like fallout 3 and New Vegas3


Must be a new game.

MOD MANAGER: Install the zip as you would any other mod and choose the esp you wish to use. (NOTE using more than one esp at a time won’t work, for obvious reasons.)

MANUAL: Unzip the folder and place the preferred esp in your Fallout 4 data folder. (Where fallout is installed)

Credits: RoryLucey
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