Smoking Script for AHK

Fallout 4 Mods |

Smoking Script for AHK

After how much attention the Smoking Mod thread received (and thanks to author Evermarch for blasting the console command via comments), I’ve been looking into ways to implement this idea. Ideally I’d like to create a cigarette ‘chem’ as suggested by the OP of that thread, however I’m still investigating how exactly to go about that.

In the meantime; here’s a script I wrote for AHK that utilizes the console command for a hotkey toggle function. After doing some research and tinkering it finally works and is currently set to use the F8 key. So press F8 to toggle on, press again to toggle off. Shazam! You’re now smoking like a boss. No side effects, no special circumstances required to use it. 100% shenanigans free or your money back!

Oh, one thing you can’t do for some reason is activate smoking while your weapon is out (will make the script seem broken). Just holster your weapon beforehand, no need to unequip. However, you can walk around (and even sit, which temporarily turns the idle flavor off but will resume upon standing again) without cancelling the smoke.

Full Instructions (for those new to AHK) :
Install AHK from their official site at
Download this script and extract it using your favored zip utility
Doubleclick the script to run it (you’ll see a green H icon in the system tray)
Press F8 while in-game to toggle smoking idle on/off (ignore the console window briefly appearing on your screen, that’s normal for this script)
Rock out with your cigarette out

Note – If your console key is something other than ` (such as for some non-English users) you’ll need to modify the script accordingly. On all lines that start with send {“ you’ll need to change “ to your personal console key. Keep in mind the double “ is due to the escape char use, use this list (and this list) to determine whether your console key requires an escape char.
Example keys –
If your console opens with the % key, you will need an escape char, i.e. send {`% down} and send {`% up}
If your console opens with the Ö character, you won’t need an escape char, i.e. send {Ö down} and send {Ö up}

Credits: PhoenixKnight13
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