Smaller Shipments (and Larger Stock)

Fallout 4 Mods |

Smaller Shipments (and Larger Stock)


Reduces the size of every shipment (to a 1/5) and its respective cost appropriately.

The same total amount of each component will be available.
The costs were adjusted as well, so you’ll end up paying the same for the same amount of goods.

Optionally you have a version that makes vendors have 5 times the total amount of goods.

For example:

– Vanilla:
1 shipment of 25 adhesives (25 adhesives total)

– Modded (Standard):
5 shipments of 5 adhesives each (25 adhesives total)

– Modded (Larger Stock):
25 shipments of 5 adhesives each (125 adhesives total)


I’ve created this mod since when using some mods your shipments prices can become prohibitively expensive, and this way you can buy a smaller amount and spend less.


After installing, make sure to wait for the vendors to refresh their inventories, which should take about 2 in-game days.

This is a very simple mod, made entirely by overriding some values from vanilla using FO4Edit.
Please do not request any different versions, as I probably won’t have the time to create them, and you can easily do them yourselves.

If you’re wondering about the UI mod in the picture, it’s the wonderful DEF_INV mod, make sure you check it out.


This mod overrides the vanilla entries for junk components vendor levelling lists and the shipment objects themselves. Anything that changes those might create conflicts.

Credits: Andrivious
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