Silver Shroud Valentine w Backpacks

Fallout 4 Mods |

Silver Shroud Valentine w Backpacks

I always felt like the Silver Shroud was meant for Nick, yet for some reason it wasn’t equipable. A few hours of work later and here it is.
The gloves of the costume won’t appear, that’s intentional, they clip and look like crap. Besides, his cold metal hands are much better

I also added the option to be able to equip Wearable Backpacks and Pouches. You’ll also be able to equip Pompadour Wig and Black-Rim Glasses if you choose to install this version.

To Install:
1. Download SilverValentine or SilverValentinewBackpacks (make sure to install Wearable Backpacks and Pouches if you want it to work).
2. Unpack the contents of the achieve in your Fallout 4 folder.
3. Add SilverValentine.esp to your plugins.txt file.

This is my first mod. Enjoy!

By the way, in case Nick’s original hat doesn’t appear in inventory after he equips a new hat, you can get a new one by typing “player.additem 000e2e2e” in
Credit goes to Aldebaran90 for making Wearable Backpacks and Pouches, Bethesda for making Fallout4 and FO4Edit creators for FO4Edit.

Credits: EpicBeardMan
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