Shack Mid Floor 01 Foundation Replacer

Fallout 4 Mods |

Shack Mid Floor 01 Foundation Replacer

This mod REPLACES the vanilla foundation piece – concrete with wood planks – with a marble top. They tile perfectly, if you turn them the correct direction, but don’t look bad randomly placed either. I’ve uploaded screen shots, and will be adding more replacement versions in the future.

Version 2 replaces the concrete sides with decorative block.

Version 3 replaces the top and sides with dark concrete.

This mod uses only modified vanilla resources.

An added note, there are many different textures available in the game, obviously, so if you would like a custom piece, upload a screen shot and I’ll try to add an optional version. Just keep in mind that it has to be vanilla textures and resources only, not any from another mod.

I’ve also included, with permission, four replacement versions for ad3d0’s Snap’n Build Greenhouse and Snap’n Build 1.4 all in one (keep in mind, if any of his updates change his file structure and folder names, then these mods will not work). They replace the square/cube foundation piece and his mod is required (install my mod after his and click Yes to overwrite). I’ve included two files for each replacement, two for the original greenhouse version and two for his all-in-one version, since the file structure somewhat changed. NOTE: these replacers will NOT change the greenhouse floors already in the game, only one of his foundation pieces.

Use only ONE file. These mods are REPLACERS.

Installation: Use NMM or copy the files into the appropriate folders of your Data directory.


Special thanks to:

Zilav for FO4Edit.

Ousnius for his mod, Material Editor.

Jonwd7 and team for Nifskope and B.A.E.

Modlurker for the link to Nifskope listed on his Stackable Floor Small page (the only one I could find was an older version and wouldn’t work with Fallout 4 NIF files).

Bethesda for a great game.

NexusMods for a great site.



This mod will conflict with any mod that changes or replaces the same vanilla foundation piece.

As far as other mods, I use ad3d0’s Snap’n Build series and there are no conflicts, since his mods act as additions to the build menu. I can’t guarantee compatibility or list conflicts with other building mods, other than stated above, or building menu mods.


Check out my other mods:

Concrete Slab Floor 02 Replacement

Almost a Seven

Curie Replacement

Curie Replacer Two

Power Armor Base Health and Damage Resistance Increase



~Added an ESP file so the piece requires concrete to build and gives concrete when scrapped.
~Added version 2
~Added version 3

Credits: brt88965
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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2 Responses

  1. Tony Ford says:

    Very nice & useful mod. I use it mostly for elevated flat ground for my structures as well as for placing turrets & such. Really like this mod, thanks!

    • Tony Ford says:

      Shame I am unable to edit my post here. I meant to post the other mods I am using along with it which seam to work fine together.

      Currently Enabled with this mod,

      * All-in-one Settlement Solution
      * Craftable Bobby Pins
      * Craftable Ammunition
      * Spiral Staircases
      * Essential Abernathy
      * Essential Slog NPCs
      * Immortal Settlers
      * Unlimited food per settler
      * mini nuke revolvers
      * More Spawns

      When I say compatible I mean all of the above work together fine with no crashing. I have not tested others yet.

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