Settlement Raiding Mod

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Settlement Raiding Mod

Fallout 4 Settlement Raiding Mod

Current Version 1.4 Institute added! please read important below

This will be the last update for the weekend and be back at it on Sunday, hope you enjoy the very basic mod so far and please post suggestions or bugs in the comments 🙂 have a good weekend all!

This mod will not always be batch files scroll down to future plans for info.


The Settlement raiding mod is a set of batch files you can use to force settlement raids, with Bethesda’s underwhelming attempt at the raids I thought id make them more interesting 😉 please be aware that this is just to test public opinion to see if settlement raids need improving and if so when the appropriate tools come out this mod will be extensively expanded and improved to be more organic and fun (Further details at the bottom)

Installing Notes

NMM Installer (Recommended)

Click download with NMM and install! Simple.

Manual (Not recommended)

* Download the batch files and unzip into your fallout 4 main folder, if you can see files called: _CommonRedist , Data , Fallout4 , fallout4.exe etc you’re in the right place. By default this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Fallout 4.

Once installed

* Run the game as normal and go to Sanctuary (More settlements will come later).

* Open the console window by pressing the tilde (~) key.

type one of the following commands for the type of raid you would like;

* for Sanctuary Raiders Easy type: “bat sre” in the console without the quotes and press enter and the raid will begin
* for Sanctuary Raiders Medium type: “bat srm” in the console without the quotes and press enter and the raid will begin
* for Sanctuary Raiders Hard type: “bat srh” in the console without the quotes and press enter and the raid will begin
For full list of commands scroll down!

So you don’t forget while your in game your best just writing down the commands, so write down:



Easy: bat sre
Medium: bat srm
Hard: bat srh
Insane: bat sri

Just one type for now: bat srg

Super mutants
Easy: bat sme
Medium: bat smm
Hard: bat smh
Insane: bat smi

Brotherhood of Steel – Hard even on easy! READ BELOW IMPORTANT!
Easy: bat sbe
Medium: bat sbm
Hard: bat sbh
Insane: bat sbi

IMPORTANT! (Only for Bos Raid)
* If your not enemies with BoS then save your game before starting, go and kill their leader, then come back to sanctuary and start the raid!

Sorry only work around I can do until I get modding tools to remove their faction flags.

Institute – They will teleport inside your base! and while attacking! READ BELOW IMPORTANT!
Easy: bat sie
Medium: bat sim
Hard: bat sih
Insane: bat sii

IMPORTANT! (Only for Institute Raid)
* If your not enemies with institute then save your game before starting, go on a killing spree inside the institute until told to leave, then come back to sanctuary and start the raid!

Sorry only work around I can do until I get modding tools to remove their faction flags.

Video of the mod in action (Insane Difficulty lol)

Change Log


*Added Ghoul raiders on request. bat srg


* Made NMM Installer!
* Added Super mutants raids


* Change ghouls bat to be more…. interesting! SAVE GAME BEFORE STARTING RAID!


* Small fix and slight changes


* Added BoS raids! (Have fun guys this one is hard!)


* Added Institute raids! (The will teleport inside your base and while attacking!)

Future Plans

Once all factions / Deathclaws / Robots are done I will be moving on to different settlements (Hopefully next week!)

* Different Raids – (Mutants, Institute, Ghoul apocalypse! etc)

* More settlement locations.

*Make it more organic (may need to wait for modding tools)

Once equipped with modding tools I will implement a new system, it will allow you to build a distress/attract beacon (Similar to recruiting beacon) which when linked to a terminal will allow you to send out various radio signals such as:

Raiders – promise of riches
Mutants – a commander ordering them to attack settlement
Institute – 56k dial tone
etc etc

this way you can lure them to your settlement then kill them for their gear/caps/xp.

If this seems like something you would like added to the game please endorse and show your support, which will tell me to continue adding to it while we wait for modding tools. Thank you for reading!

Faceless Wastelander

Credits: Faceless Wanstelander
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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