Settlement expansion all in one V6

Fallout 4 Mods |

Settlement expansion all in one V6

Basically i took my old expansions and put them into a all in one esp. I have since added a few new expansions as per requests on my other mods.

V6 adds:
The Slog
County Crossing
Grey Garden
Abernathy farm
Oberland Station
Greentop Nursary

V5 Major update:
First off i want to give credit to Rdunlap for showing me how to unlock settlements for the purpose of scrapping items that said i did the editing and if there’s a problem it was my doing not his. V5 will work with scrap everything perfectly and should work with spring cleaning with no issues. settlements are unlocked for scrapping (you still have to do the quests to use the settlement though) and the file has no ITMs in it. i will be collaborating with Rdunlap tomorrow to make sure everything works with with this version flawlessly, since hes the genius behind this version

You do not need bUseCombinedObjects=0 to make this work when scrapping item inside the original borders but if you want to scrap in the new borders that i made you will need this. you can always add bUseCombinedObjects=0 and go and scrap everything you want outside the original borders then go and remove it from your Fallout.ini file to save the FPS

For people experiencing LOD bug:
some people are getting the LOD bug in settlements it happens when you scrapped things you shouldnt or sometime because of the bigger settlement size. we will not be able to fix the LOD thing until GECK comes out in about a month. you can use tpc while in a settlement that has things doing that and it will quit NOTE: do not leave it on since it can make the game slower in large areas like downtown. tpc again will turn preculling back on.

Install instructions:

Add bUseCombinedObjects=0 to your fallout.ini under [general] for best results scrapping items outside the original borders.
Remove all old versions of my work if you have them installed and just use this esp.
Install with NMM Or put into your data folder located in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data
Put what ever scrap mod you use (spring cleaning/scrap everything) after this in your load order

I would recommend you use scrap everything located Here

This mod was made to go with Rdunlaps rebuilds. heres a link: rebuilt houses please endorse if you use his mods and like them
He will be adding a rebuilt coastal cottage soon

Required for cell reset
Since people are experiencing the cell reset bug here are workarounds for that 1) buildable power armor frames 2) Cell reset workaround patch

I want to thank Klaxon21 for this video it should help with peoples confusion regarding this mods use and required files.

I currently have expanded:

Coastal cottage
Sanctuary hills
Spectical island
The castle
Croup manor
Jamaica plains
Nordhagen beach
Bunker hill
Finch farm
Warwick homestead
Boston airport
Kingsport lighthouse
Relay tower
Ten pines
Starlight drive in
Sunshine tidings co op
Fens raider camp
Egret tours marina
Taffington bathhouse

Here is some of my other work:
Covenant expansion
Croup manor expansion
Jamaica plains expansion
M2216 retexture
Shade assault IV retexture

Credits: Jkoroll14
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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1 Response

  1. gerry1972 says:

    That is a very good mod.
    Hello. Today i use the right way, the Fo4edit, to change a expanded borders, mod i have, and i want to share, so anyone can do it. At fo4edit, i choose only two files: Fallout4.esm and the esp file, that is a expanded mod -because if you have many files to edit, Edit is going to disable. At esp file, i find the line that have the bounds x y z And then, i edit each line. replace the number with 100000000.0000
    After, with right click to esp file, i set apply script, And after, i exit the fo4edit. Now i can use the workshop to build anywhere at the map, i want. You can edit as many expanded mods, you have, but it works, only with one -the first you change, so you can build, anywhere, you want, after.

    Also, if you want to build unlimited things, with any workshop, you must create a .txt file, and put it at the game folder ( no at data folder ), so after, at console ~ ( first right click at workshop ) you can write bat name.txt ( i choose new.txt as a name ) and at this .txt file, write

    setav 349 99999999999.00
    setav 34b 999999999999.00
    getav 349
    getav 34b

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