SentryMeat Annihilator Mk.III

Fallout 4 Mods |

SentryMeat Annihilator Mk.III

how to make him no overheat – open console commands click on him or type “prid 1d162” then enter type “setav b287b 3500” then enter

*wanna try my another version of dogmeat go hereGodmeat – plastic surgery dog gone wrong
and Assaultromeat – Twinblade Deathray Stealboy

Sorry for the video quality and my english but i think this can show you how this mod are working “SentryMeat Annihilator Mk.III” is replace dogmeat into Sentybot with all type of weapon(s40) equip

more fullsize picture in image tab

weapon/ammo list in this version 1.0
1. SentryBotLeftMinigun with ammo
2. SentryBotRightMiniRocketLauncher with ammo
3. SentryBotLeftShoulderClusterLauncher with ammo
4. SentryBotRightShoulderClusterLauncherIndoors with ammo

Wishlist in next version
1. make him use fusion core(maybe try to make him eat somthing to life)
2. custom his weapon so i can give him a standard ammo
3. Tesla Coil built-in
4. slow overheat time(anyway you dont need to worry when he enter legendary mode in combat he has unlimit stamina you can see in video)
5. custom Pain Train Perk for him(this perk lock on ref i still dont have any luck)
6. ETC

(*i use console command in this video because of i just testing around and record dont mean to cheats please understand)
1. Legendary
2. health 1400
3. Actionpoints 500
4. healrate 750
5. speed 300(this is not too much for me because he Overheat)

you can still stimpak him(lol) and he already come with ammo(you dont need to give him anything)
so this is my own companions mod i am working really hard on hex DATA to make him appear in the game(he is cripple when i start idk why)

*know issue – PLEASE READ
it 100% working from new game – but if you what to use with your old save just try to resurrest him with console conmand
he is too big for indoor building (but he can teleport to you like vanilla companions)

Credits: RaiderRevenge2087
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