Scylas Qwynn

Fallout 4 Mods |

Scylas Qwynn

Scylas Qwynn

Nearing the end of my first play-through, I thought it best to save my character’s appearance as a preset for use later down the road. After some thought, I’ve decided to release said preset on the Nexus for others to enjoy. There tends to be a distinct lack of male presets on the Nexus, so I figured it wouldn’t hurt. Whether you use him as a base for your own work, or use him outright, just know that Scylas loves being manhandled. What I’m saying is, use him to your hearts content.

I play him as an emotionally driven neutral evil with a very ‘me and mine’ ideology who is capable of being alignment shifted. His biggest flaw tends to be he loves too much in the worst ways possible.

Screenshots are provided from throughout my gameplay so you can get a glimpse of Scylas in different outfits, lightning, and with various hairstyles (as well as the haunted, haggard looked he picked up living in the wastes). Four presets are provided: Prologue, Act I, Act II, and Act III.

Have fun! And remember to make terrible decisions!

Credits: Lunarion Silver
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