Scrap It All Away

Fallout 4 Mods |

Scrap It All Away

This was made using fo4edit and skyrim’s creation kit. The formid were made using Skyrim’s Ck while everything else was made using fo4edit.

So this little mod will you allow you to scrap some things you normally couldnt, while it does not allow you to scrap everything in the game.. but
it does allow you to scrap most of the unnamed statics you see everywhere, combine it with another scrap mod and it should allow more options.

If you want to scrap things outside the sanctuary hills place you will need the optional file, it will spawn the sanctuary hill workshop bench to your location and will behave as if you are there, but if you go to far out of range it will cancel, reenter for it to work again. You need to enter it twice for it to show up next to you after you enter it once and have it active enter it again and it should spawn. This moves it to your location.

Do not enter “scrapall” that will cause the game to go black and crash while this mod is active, backup your saves before trying this mod out on your characters.

Combine it with this mod for more options – Scrap Everything by shadowslasher410

Credits: Abbalovesyou
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