Scavver’s HUD – DEF_HUD Preset

Fallout 4 Mods |

Scavver’s HUD – DEF_HUD Preset

This here is my personal HUD in the 16:9 Ratio set up that is all thanks to Neanka’s DEF_HUD that removes a many things from the HUD that killed immersion for me as well as moving things to a much better and visible (atleast for me) position.

Features of this HUD:
The Reticule is now non-existant making iron sights and the good ‘ol “spray and pray” a whole lot more useful. Hit markers still sadly show for the moment though.
Hit/mine direction marker has also been removed so watch your footing!
Stealth Meter/Enemy Blips removed to further make you a little more cautious when exploring
Button prompts removed making you unable to tell whats objects are locked
Enemy Name/Skull/Star/Health removed. Be careful who you target in VATS since its now impossible to tell friend from foe
Ammo Counter now only shows the MAX amount of ammo you have for said weapon. May remove all together
Condition and Perk popups moved to lower left corner near the HP/AP/Crit bar

For the other minor changes it’d be best to look at the screens.

Installation & Uninstallation:

Install with either MO2 or NMM for Manual installs just drop the Interface folder into your FO4 data folder

To uninstall just removed said files

Neanka’s DEF_HUD – Fully tunable HUD

My other Mods:

FF7Cloudstrife and Monitorman Weapons – AWKCR Patch

Frost Haven Temple

Credits: Moore
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