Sanctuary Flats
After years of parasitic mooching at the Nexus, here at last is my first contribution to the community. I made several attempts to get something going in Sanctuary but kept finding that the shitty, light blue houses, and all of the other junk were just getting in the way and it was a pain to keep building around them. So I completely scrapped everything and put down vanilla concrete foundations everywhere. Because of the different levels of terrain in the area, there are varying heights, some areas higher than others. It’s a little sloppy in one part where there is a small gap between blocks, but it’s small and and easily covered when building an entire town.
This is all I did in this save, I went directly to Sanctuary from the Vault and got right to work. I had the mandatory talk with Codsworth, and killed the bugs in the houses, but that’s it. You’re going to have lots of materials, I gave myself a bunch of shipments with a bat file.
You’ll start out in the vault so you can change your appearance and name if you want.
It’s just default, vanilla concrete blocks so I don’t think it matters, but just in case, here are the building mods I have installed, that may or my not affect how it loads up for you:
Snap ‘n Build
Simple Intersection
Spring Cleaning
Scrap Everything
I think that’s about everything. One last thing though, if you use this and build interesting things, please upload some images. Now that I’m finally done, I’m feeling slightly stumped on where to begin!