Sanctuary bridge repair and retex

Fallout 4 Mods |

Sanctuary bridge repair and retex

Can I fix that crap bridge? Yes.

Can I fix those poor vanilla bridge textures? Yes.

Can I fix that crap bridge AND fix those poor vanilla bridge textures? Yes . . . but it takes an extra step or two.

This is a simple little mod I made for myself and it isn’t even really much of a mod. Like many, I was fed up with rebuilding various versions of Sanctuary yet being left with the same crap bombed-out bridge and I went looking for other options. Like many, I found NovaCoru’s Repaired Sanctuary Bridge and said YES PLEASE — > into the game you go. AND like many who were looking for a better bridge, I found Jesters Better Wooden Bridges and again came the YES PLEASE, new textures, yeah!

But despair, incompatible. The pre-war mesh for the bridge uses different textures . . . so . . . Jester’s texture replacers for the post-war bridge didn’t show on the repaired bridge. After a bit of exploration I found that I could manually rename Jester’s new textures to replace the pre-war bridge textures. I even posted the instructions in the comments for Nova’s Repaired Sanctuary Bridge mod for someone who wanted to use the two mods together then went and followed my own instructions and combined Nova’s & Jaster’s mods in my own game.

Here I offer two things.
1. A simple mod to allow you to use a repaired Sanctuary bridge with improved wood textures. For people, like me in most cases, who can’t be arsed to do it themselves. Seriously – why, when someone else did it already and you can have more fun playing your game.
**This mod is literally nothing more than a combination of Nova & Jester’s mods (used with open permission and full access permission respectively) with my only addition being to rename the texture files for the replaced bridge so the mods play nicely together.**

2. DIY instructions for people who would prefer to learn how to play with the files themselves. Trust me, this can be fun — in a hit your head with your keyboard and yell a lot and then experience a minor sensation of joy when it works kind of way — but this is an easy one to play with.

My [annotated] instructions from before I made the mod (originally posted @ 13:49, 29 Jan 2016) . . .

I believe the issue is that the replaced mesh (pre-war) is calling the pre-war bridge textures [edit – it is, bastard bridge], which differ from the post-war textures you’re trying to use [edit – they do]. Because the post-war bridge mesh is not there [edit – because we bloody moved it, it was crap, you all saw it], the new post-war textures [you know, the better ones, by Jester] are not called/referenced/used. Looking into the FO4 textures files, the base texture files for the two bridges are the same (except for color) but use different names [why use one file name when you can use two?]. You can probably get around this problem by renaming the bridge textures [edit – you can] from this . . .
to this . . .

Don;t trust me? Try it out. Wouldn’t it suck if I was suddenly wrong here? I’d laugh, but I’m not sure others would.

INSTRUCTIONS: Install, preferably using NMM (or other mod manager) so if it doesn’t work for you or you hate it or anything else goes wrong, it is easier to undo.


Why post this? There are other mods that do similar things and might do them better.
This is true, but people are still asking for this type of combination in the various comments on other bridge mods.

Credits: SpareCrap FeckinGames and ThEjEsTeRoFeViL
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