Salem a new settlement

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Salem a new settlement

Very Important you read all of this!!!!!!!

1) I recommend you go do the Salem quest and clear the town first but its not needed.

2) This is the only way I know of to make a new settlement that allows to assign settlers.

3) Guards go to their guard posts, shop keeps to their stores, farmers to the crops and regular settlers roam around like any other settlement sitting on near by benches and such. After quite a bit of testing i dont see any issues at all.

4) First thing i highly recommend you do, it will make opening the workshop easier. You must do is go to the Kingsport Workshop open the console and click on the workshop and type setpos x 90738, setpos y 65331, setpos z 679. (the new location will be in the screenshots) DO NOT MOVE IT CLOSER TO SALEM OR YOU CANT ASSIGN SETTLERS, I have tried for hours to get it closer but its not going to happen. Like i say you dont have to do this but it makes the run back to the workshop area shorter.

5) There are two workshops located in this settlement, the kingsport lighthouse workshop and the Salem workshop (you dont have to use the Salem one at all its just there for convenience) . Only the kingsport workshop can assign settlers so you must build all of your food, water, generators, stores and defense with this one so it counts. You can build any objects with the Salem workshop since its Boundaries are within the Kingsport Settlement build area (its signifigantly smaller though) just dont build food, water, defense, stores or power since it wont count.

6) The kingsport workshop is the Expanded one that covers all of Salem but its can only be activated by going back towards kingsport (check the pictures i show the location. If you accidentally exit the Kingsport workshop you can type “TGM” into the console and hold which ever button you use to activate the workshop and this will open the Salem workshop which is safe to build houses and scrap

7) When assigning a settler to The town of “Salem” you must Choose Kingsport out of the list, there is no option for Salem

8) this WILL cause cell reset here are some workarounds Build able power armor frames cell reset workaround
Install Instructions:

1) Download Via NMM and install with NMM or Manually download and install in SteamLibrary\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\Data
2) Load this after my other Expanded settlement mod or which ever expanded mod you use.
3) load Before scrap everything or which ever scrap mod you use.
4) you should add bUseCombinedObjects=0 to your Fallout4.ini file for best results when scrapping.

Recommended mods:

Settlements expanded all in one
Scrap everything
Rdunlaps rebuilds

Credits: Jkoroll14
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