
Fallout 4 Mods |


It bugs you that Steam forces a launcher to be used when you want to play Fallout 4 or Skyrim? Or that some games are forcibly launched with a buggy version of Anticheat that breaks the game, corrupts saves and game files? You want to launch the game executable directly? Use my little utility, just put a copy in each game directory (still working on one central location, a bit more complicated), create a shortcut to it, and then add the command line argument “Executable.exe:AppID”, e.g. “Fallout4.exe:377160”, you can even omit the “.exe” bit, it will be added automatically, and is not even strictly necessary. 🙂 You can then name the shortcut however you like, give it any icon (e.g. “FALLOUT.ICO”) you want, and place it wherever you keep your game shortcuts. 🙂 The C/C++ source code is in RunSteamApp.cpp, contained in 🙂

Credits: Frank Castle
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