Rings Of The Commonwealth

Fallout 4 Mods |

Rings Of The Commonwealth

What It Does

This mod adds 20+ rings for you to find while your out exploring.

They all vary in what they do and i have tried to not make any feel overpowered.

Each ring has a name that suits it such as the bodybuilder’s ring which grants the player +1 strength

Some rings do things that don’t give a description, for those i have added a small description beside the name.

The rings you find will be level dependent, so a higher level grants you better rings.
Currently i’ve made it so that some rings require between 1-25 and the best rings can only be found once you reach level 25.
(i’ll continue to mess with this part)

How do i get em?

currently you can find them in locked safes and “boss” chests.

In some areas you’ll find a commander at the end with a chest nearby, these are considered “boss” chests

This is a work in progress so in the future i’ll be making the low level rings able to be found in suitcases.

Future Plans

More rings with a larger variety of effects.

Legendary Rings!

This is a work in progress and i’ll be adding to it in the future.

Compatibility Issues

The only compatibility issue would be something that also changes the leveled list (what goes inside) of safes or boss chests.

All of the rings are unique records as are the majority of the effects added to them.
The one’s that use an effect already in place have not been altered so no issues should occur.

Other Notes/Bugs

The only bug that i’ve found is related to followers
Because of how the game is set up things that affect the PC specifically will occur regardless of who is using it.
eg. equip a targeting hud to a followers power suit and the effect is applied to you when they’re inside it.

this is something i don’t think i can change so unless you want to cheat don’t equip rings on followers.

All of the rings use the wedding ring texture and mesh. i doubt i will add new ones as i’m not great at doing those kinds of things and they’d probably all look terrible.

This was made with FO4Edit

Credits: LP
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