Repaired Signal Interceptor
Working Signal Interceptor
The concept behind this was relatively simple, a mod that lets you build the signal interceptor again and continue to use it for decoration, even after completing the quest. It turned out to be a total nightmare, as there was a hundred different leads all going to the wrong places. I managed to track down the furniture objects for it, but I still was having issues implementing them into the form id / building lists properly. Eventually, I found that the real problem was a set of conditions that prevented the objects being built after a certain stage in the quest was reached. I simply removed those conditions and now they all work perfectly.
Very simple. The objects are all found in the specials menu where you can find them originally. All you need to do is build them, connect power and bam, light show. Snapping works as well.
Drag and drop into your Data folder and enable it, or use a mod manager like NMM or Mod Organizer(Preferred method)
There should be no issues, load it wherever you want.
Hope you enjoy ๐