Red Rocket Pond Settlement

Fallout 4 Mods |

Red Rocket Pond Settlement

This is based on the “Red Rocket Rock 2.0” from Chaosscz, so if you like this file then please go see his mod and give him some kudos.

After seeing his Red Rocket Settlement on the nexus, i was inspired by it and i tried to use it in my own game using the “Cell Ripper” mod but after
working on it, i realized that there were too many things that needed to be removed or tweak for my liking. So, i basically created a new settlement from scratch to better suit my purpose.

So, here it is, The Red Rocket Pond Settlement!

This is my first contribution to the nexus… so, they’re probably some things i won’t do right the first time, so if there is something
wrong, please let me know. Specially if i forget things about credits or permissions… i’ll do my best but nobody’s perfect.

The Companions/Settlers house and the inside of the Red Rocket are not fully furnished and there is a good reason on my part for doing that.
I left some things for you to do. Decorate as you see fit, well that’s the fun part, isn’t it?

Anyway the bones of the place are there, so go put more meat on it! (that’s if your rig can take it!)

This save game is a lvl 1 female protagonist about to leave the vault.
You can also use the “cell Ripper” mod and add it to your own game. (Please backup your save game …. just in case!)

The Vault and VIP section can be accessed by using the Red Keycard provided on the table inside the Red Rocket


Required mods:

Settlement Keywords (SK) – v0.8
Armor and Weapon Keywords Community Resource (AWKCR) – v1.71
Homemaker – Expanded Settlements V. 1.33
Options: Bunker and Greenhouse Disabler
Streetllights Use Passive Power
Unlocked Institute Objects – SK
Snap’n Build V 1.5 +
Options: The Capsule (color of your choice)
The Bunker
Industrial Set (color of your choice)
Homemaker – Expanded Settlement
Snap’n Build – v1.5 – SK ported version
Alternate Settlements – v1.1 + Alternate Settlements – v1.2
Business Settlements 1.8 (Standalone) – Business Settlements 1.8 +Business Settlements 1.8 (Standalone) Settlement Keyword Patch
Better Stores V 1.1
Auto Doors V 2.4b*
Options: English (unless you speak Russian)
Homemaker + Snap’n Build
OCDecorator V 1.05
Options: Framework – OCDecorator
1.05Beta OCDuplicator
( Do not overwrite ‘Settlement Keywords’ select “No to Mod”)
Eli’s Craftable Flower Pots*
Generator – Fusebox V 1.4
Craftable Animated Water Wells – v1.0
Longer Power Lines V1.1 (Infinite Option)
Colored Workshop Lights V 1.6
Just Curtains – Friffy_Fixed Curtains V1
Craftable Animated Bridges – DD_Bridges V 2.1 (If you don’t want the Bear –> Craftable Animated Bridges retexture – without bear)
Craftable Fire Shadow Lights V 1.0
Snap’n Build – Roofs V1.2
Settlement Objects Expansion Pack V0.8dev9
Renovated Furniture V 2.5*
Scrap Everything V1.91

* you can ignore those mods, but you will miss some stuff.

load order for this all to work: (1 = Activated, 0 = Deactivated)

Snap’n Build.esm=1
Homemaker – Greenhouse and Bunker Disabler SK.esp=1
Homemaker – SK Integration Patch.esp=1
Homemaker – Streetlights Use Passive Power.esp=1
Homemaker – Unlocked Institute Objects SK.esp=1
Snap and Build – Modules.esp=0 <– DEACTIVATED
Snap and Build – Patches.esp=0 <– DEACTIVATED
Snap'n Build – Roofs.esp=1
Business Settlements.esp=1
Fusebox Generator.esp=1
Colored Workshop Lights.esp=1
Friffy_Fixed Curtains.esp=1
Scrap Everything.esp=1

Recommended Mods especially for this settlement: (Warning, you need a good computer!)

Enhanced Wasteland Preset by Razed (You Really need this, just install his mod in your data folder and enjoy!)
Repaired Red Rocket – No Pump Version + Repaired Red Rocket – Red Rockets Glare fixModels and Textures
Red Rockets Glare – Station Illumination – Lighting – Sign – Outline Light Only
Starlight Drive-in And Diner – Lighting + Counter and Stool Add-on
Red Rocket in Wood by Calarand
Really Red Rocket by Elianora
Darker Nights by unforbidable
Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks by Fr4nsson
Bottles' Label Overhaul
Radio Re-Done 4K
Nuka Cola Cherry Glow by Ulithium_Dragon
Nuka Cola Glow and Re-Texture – Black Cola Glow with Red Logo
Church wall Re texture 4k
Haul'd Out 4K – Warehouse by DUST2DEATH
Clean Settlement Shacks
Whole Flags
Kitchen appliances black re-texture – Black appliances
Hd Power Armor Station v2
Pool Table HD Variants – Red and Black – Dirty
Realistic Pool Balls HD
4k Workstations
FO4 Seasons Summer 3.0
Lush Crops v1
Rock Overhaul by K13RAN64
Delightful Ivy – HD Vine Retexture – a natural and realistic green and brown plant overhaul
Clear Water by Ciprrianos (Choose the option with no radiation to enjoy the pool!)
The Black Widow (STANDALONE – MYBed) – 4k Lovers Luxury Bed
New Landscape Grass v6.1

ISSUES: (Problems i have encountered myself)

NEONS Missing: Copy the NEON materials files manually from the “Better stores” mod to your Data directory
Quieter Settlement mod: Will cause a CTD while running near the pool table in 3rd person view (CTD is replicatable at will… so it’s the issue)

This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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