Real Settlements – Lexington Overpass – Custom Settlement with working settlers

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Real Settlements – Lexington Overpass – Custom Settlement with working settlers

When i tried the now well known method to create custom settlements by placing a workshop (placeatme c1aeb), i was disappointed by the lack of some features, namely merchants, settlers, companions, trade routes, etc. So I decided to mod my own settlement. Please, understand that this mod is intended as a personal modification. It may cause unintended glitches or bugs, so backup your saves.

Lexington Overpass

This mod adds a new very large settlement at Lexington overpass, one one the coolest settlement area in my opinion, and a style lacking from the base game. Lexington overpass is a 4 stories junction, with natural ramps to reach everywhere already in place. There is an elevator already present on one of the branch, and another, larger access through a collapse billboard. The settlement covers a large portion of all branches, but not the ground (to avoid problems with Lexington)


In order to get the settler to work, this settlement replaces Murkwater Construction Site. It will thus not be compatible with other mods that replace the same area, or the overpass area itself. To activate the custom settlement, you will need to:

Clear Murkwater Construction site (kill the boss and all enemies. The workshop will not work at that point, but its normal). If you have trouble getting things to work, try to deactivate the mod for this step, and activate it when you can build at Murkwater
Make sure LexOverpass.txt is in your Fallout 4 install folder (with Fallout4.exe), and type in the console, while nothing is selected:
“bat LexOverpass”

The workshop and map marker for Murwater will be transfered to Lexington Overpass (just south of Lexington appartments).
Fast travel to there, or walk, and start building your settlement. Not that the game still will call it Murkwater.

Install the esp mod as usual, and put the LexOverpass.txt in your Fallout 4 root folder (with Fallout4.exe).
Alternatively, if you do not want to download the text file, just run the following commands instead of “bat LexOverpass”:

16d28e.moveto 16d28f
c9bbe.moveto 16d28f
1ae194.moveto 16d28f

Functionnal Settlers
The biggest achievement of this mod in my opinion is that the custom settlement works like a real settlement, where you can send workers and companions, trade, etc. In fac

The following functionalities are tested and working as intented:

Set settler home
Assign settler as trader, guards, etc.
Send companions to settlement
Ressources (water, food, beds, etc)
Fast travel mat

The following function are not yet tested, but should work (if you can confirm they work or not, please let me know in the comments)
Caravan post
Radio beacon
Scrap stations

The following things are bugs/problems. If you have a solution, please let me know:
Sometimes the settlers will sandbox under the overpass. give them things to do to prevent this.
For some reason changing the workshop location in fo4edit doesn’t actually move it, so a console command is needed.
Fully custom settlements do not work, so I had to “steal” Murkwater.

I found this cool place for a settlement!

This file is really almost as much a resource than a mod. The parameters I used allow us to move vanilla settlement to new locations. If you want to move another settlement somewhere else, look at the esp in fo4Edit. All the necessary changes should be apparent, since its mostly positions.

Things to note:
Only moving the workbench and building area is not enough. The workbench has to be in its original location. So we move the location itself with the workbench.
Location position is determined by the grid. Each grid element can have an associated location, but only one.
Things will not reset anymore in the area where you move a settlement.

Credits: jeanlou
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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