Re-balanced Worlds

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Re-balanced Worlds

Re-Balanced Worlds
Re-Balanced Worlds was originally made for my own use. However I decided to upload it for those individuals who may want what I’ve made.
Created using FO4Edit. As with most mods it is best to make a backup of your saves in case something goes wrong.

Two optional files have been added:
1. Zero weapon drop chance: Alters the Ideathdropweaponchance, changing the seting from 100 to 0.
The standard setting caused all fallen opponents to drop their weapons, with this edit they will no longer drop their weapons on the ground building up an excess of clutter. Known problems: When ghouls lose an arm and die their hand will retain a “phantom limb” created out of the blood texture. Any weapons with animated magazines (Gamma gun and the like) will have the magazines or cells floating next to the gun making an audible buzzing noise. I’m sorry but I have no clue how to fix this, I still prefer it to picking up every gun from my dead foes though.

2. Re-Balanced Worlds Race Edits: An optional file that edits every single race in game (Including critters and robots) so that they have regenerative health. The rates are as follows:
Mammal and Deathclaw = 0.7% health per second (same as vanilla Skyrim).
Super Mutants and Mutated Hounds = 1.4% health per second.
Insect, Arachnid, and Mirelurks of all types (excl. M.L.Q.) and Gen 2 Synth (Including Valentine) = 0.5% health per second.
Robots (Including Gen 1 Synth) = 0.3% health per second.
Feral Ghouls = 0.2% health per second.
Super Mutant Behemoth and Mirelurk Queen = 0.2% health per second.
Workshop turrets heal at 0.7% Health per second, because for me they are damn awful.
I don’t remember why but I made cats heal at 2.0% health per second, weird.

Changes Introduced by Re-Balanced Worlds version 1.0.

Life Giver perk alteration, Rank 1 now increases health by 30 points, and enables roughly 16 hp per Minute regeneration rate. Next, at rank 2 this increases to 60 Hp added with ~32 hp/m regeneration rate. Finally, Life Giver rank 3 adds 100 Hp and increases HP regeneration to ~64hp/M

Better Criticals Rank 1 now enables a 5% chance for critical hits when outside V.A.T.S.

Astoundingly Awesome 1: HP regen rate increased to 10hp/M from 1hp/m

Astoundingly awesome 5: Poison resistance increased from 5 to 15

Astoundingly Awesome 8: Effect changed from a 5 AP point bonus to a 5% AP regeneration bonus.

Astoundingly Awesome 11: effect changed from a 5% bonus effect on Rad away to a constant radiation removal 1/10 speed of solar powered’s effect.

Perk Magazines that originally gave you a critical damage bonus now give you a standard damage bonus at the same percentage.

The cost of using jetpacks has been halved

You can now regenerate health while in combat at 20 % speed.

Loading screen text regarding the effected perks or magazines have been altered to match the changes.

When picking up magazines the displayed text will match the perk’s effect


Version 1.01 Changes
All weapon damage perk mags (Tesla, Grognak, Guns&Bullets) have had their damage bonus changed from 5% per rank to 2%.

Astoundingly Awesome 11’s rad heal rate has been nerfed to about 1/20 the effectiveness of Solar powered rank 2’s rad heal rate.

Life giver’s bonus health has been reset, and the health regeneration has been reduced per perk rank, once all three ranks of the perk are acquired it should allow your health to heal at the same rate as the vanilla perk.

Astoundingly awesome 8’s poison resistance bonus has been reduced from 15 to 10, it’s still better than vanilla but not so overpowered.

Updated perk and magazine descriptions to match the changes.

If anything strange occurs as a result of my alterations please feel free to share them with me, I will try to figure out what may be the cause.
Potential conflicts may be caused by mods that alter any of the files that I altered.
If different versions are requested I will try to make them, possibly a Nerf version or maybe a titanium version. If you would like me to alter any other additional magazines/perks just let me know and I’ll look into it on my free time.

Credits: IamDemongaurd
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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