Razor Realism ENB

Fallout 4 Mods |

Razor Realism ENB

As I’m sure you’ll agree we all like to get in on mods as early as possible and this is my way of giving back to a great community!

This is something I started working on at first as just a bit of fun, but eventually got a little obsessed. I’ve released this for those who like the natural realistic look. I’m running this on my system at 60+fps the majority of the time, whilst some woodland areas can in rare spots drop to around 46fps all be it very briefly. This is due to the way the Reshade processes the Ambient Occlusion and hopefully in the near future this can be worked on by running AO direct through ENB if it becomes an available updated feature.

F.Y.I My Rig Spec:
Devils Canyon@4.4Ghz
GTX 980 G1@Stock
Corsair water cooled

I have added a good selection of screenshots, but due to my current monitor limitations they do not give enough justice to the end result since i have to resize my desktop a little. So if anybody would like to add theirs at 1080p+ you’re more than welcome.

1. Sharpness/Blur mixtures added to enhance depth
2. RayMarch Ambient Occlusion, optimised for no shadow in fog and FPS
3. Gamma correction to enhance shadows/colours only where they are needed
4. Depth Of Field for background blurring, subtly added for uninterrupted play
5.Lumasharpen to run another pass over and enhance edges
6. SMAA Anti-Aliasing to reduce the jagged edges with little to no performance hit
7. White/Black Lighting and Contrast enhancements for a more natural look

My aim was to create a preset keeping effects to a minimum whilst achieving the best result, which is a bit of a juggle.

I’m slowly dwindling down the Reshade effects and using through ENB instead to further improve performance, but needed to cross some of them to achieve the effect i was looking for.

I’d like to just put this out there first. If you’re looking for no performance hit with a minor bump in visuals then this preset isn’t for you!

Having said the above, the performance hit is little to none on my system and the game still runs perfectly. As i have no other rigs to test it on i could maybe make some lower presets in the near future when i have time, with the help of your feedback of course.

All in all if you’re looking for something very realistic and have a good rig then I feel you may like this a lot!


Neutral Look up tables LUT (Required for Razor Preset)
Rock On
Vivid Fallout – Landscapes – 2k
New Road Enhanced
Valkyr Face Texture
Laser Musket Retexture
Fallout 4 Combat Shotgun and Rifle retexture
Detailed Deathclaws 2k
Jesters Better Destroyed Vehicles
FTO Moons Masser And Secunda 4k
FTO Stars 1K
Darker Nights
Realistic Lights V1.2/Or an alternative of your choice
Fog out
True Storms
Darker Nights Fog Out Patch
Darker Nights True Storms Patch
Craftable Ammo + Craftable Ammo Plus
Eye Normal Map Fix
The Eyes Of Beauty Textures Replacer

Glorious Female Nude Mod
Vault Booty 1.0.3 Boobish Update (Optional)
Lowered Weapons
Enhanced Blood Textures
Wet Clear edition 1.56

F04 Rain V3 – Overwrite True Storms Rain when asked (My Preference)
Improved Map with Visible Roads – Choose whichever suits you.
Realistic Death Physics


1. Download the Reshade Framework v1.1.0 from the link provided or alternatively visit the Reshade.me website and download the Version 1.1.0 Framework from the bottom of the homepage.Extract the following files/folders to your Fallout folder containing the Fallout4.exe;
Reshade (Folder)

Then rename the Reshade64.dll you just extracted to dxgi.dll.

NOTE: After the full install, If you don’t see lots of writing in the top-left corner with a yellow warning at game launch something went wrong here.

2. Go to enbdev website and download the 0.289 ENB for Fallout 4. Copy all from the wrapper folder to your main game folder, where you extracted the reshade files.

3. Download my ENB preset pack from the files tab at the top of this page. Once downloaded, follow the information within as each folder describes where you need to copy its contents to. Overwrite all files when asked.

The ini to be used are included, so as always, back up your originals first. I’ll work out the changes soon and note them on here for those that want to know and make their changes manually. Remember to change your Prefs ini screen size to match your monitors resolution. Instructions found in readme contained in preset download.

4. Install Neutral Look up tables LUT found on this site.

5. Optional, but recommended! Install the mods listed above in the order given. All mods are available on Nexus and all were present in my screenshots. I also strongly suggest some kind of lighting mod is installed to get the complete effect, such as Realistic Lighting or an alternative of your choice.

Manual INI changes Required

For now my Prefs INI is included, so please do not use if you’re uncomfortable with this and wait for me to work through the changes I’ve made and upload them here. I should be doing that tonight at some point, so not long to wait! Alternatively you can still download, just say No/Don’t copy to the following file;

Then you can add the ini changes after i have uploaded them.

Fallout4.ini changes (Add/change the following lines within the ini file)
[General] bAllowConsole=1
[Display] iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=4096

[Water] bReflectLODObjects=1


(The above line depends on which mods are installed, but this covers all of the listed mods I’ve suggested)

Fallout4Prefs.ini changes (Add/change the following lines within the ini file)
** To be added later today **

For a further performance boost I’d suggest configuring enblocal.ini located in the main Fallout4 folder with your own “VideoMemorySizeMb”. If you’re unsure on how to do this consult the one known as Google!

That’s it, all done & enjoy!


~ I designed this mod whilst using lighting tweaks so in theory it should be compatible with most of them, as long as one is installed you should be fine.

~ Due to the tone mapping and colour adjustments the preset adds, i would suggest avoiding the use of any other mod that also adjust these values as it could lead to an unpredictable result, however mods such as Darker Nights should be fine. Just be sure to select the correct level of Darkness for what you require. I believe mine was lvl3 in the screenshots, but may be too dark for some.


Slow Frame Rates:
The biggest hit is from the Ray marching AO. You can either run as is with AO enabled (set in MCFX.Cfg file), change AO method (if you know what you’re doing) although i haven’t tested many of the others apart from SSGI, or you can disable AO completely. All is done within the same file.

As mentioned above, Ideally I want AO running through ENB, but that’s not possible… yet!

Mine looks different:
I can only imagine the possibilities to be that the neutral luts were not downloaded and installed or something else has not been installed correctly. Also could be to do with the fact most people have different TV/Monitor presets, so make sure to check the settings and either knock up the Brightness on your Monitor or this can also be done within the ENB menu in-game itself by pressing shift+enter together and finding the effect Brightness.

Shadows showing in Fog:
The reason its taken so long to release this is due to me tweaking over and over to remove as much fog AO & daylight AO fuzziness without making it all look completely flat. Whilst I’ve managed to minimize this almost perfectly (as seen in the radiation storm screenshot) there is the odd very minor shadow that still pops out, but you really have to look for it and rarely spot it whilst playing.

Yellow warning during start-up:
This is just a warning for the Reshade AO in use and is nothing to worry about.

Depth of field doesn’t focus correctly:
If your Depth of Field is not tracking your cursor very well, there’s a known fix out there for this at the moment by editing
enbdepthoffield.fx in your main folder.

Replace the following line in the file:
float tempcurr=TextureDepth.SampleLevel(Sampler0, coord, 0.0).x;

float tempcurr=TextureDepth.SampleLevel(Sampler0, 0.5, 0.0).x;


For all your continued work;

Boris Vorontsov – ENB Developer
Crosire – Reshade
Ganossa – Gem FX
CeeJay.dk – Sweet FX
Marty McFly – Master Effect

Credits: Perfex1982
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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