Railroad Painting for ALL Power Armors

Fallout 4 Mods |

Railroad Painting for ALL Power Armors

I don’t really understand why a member of a “super-secret-hush-hush-we’re-not-supposed-to-even-exist” organization would parade in a customized Power Armor showing he’s part of it.
I guess some will argue that “it’s a clever trick to make people think we don’t exist, because clearly if we existed we wouldn’t be showing off in Power Armors !” … Yeah… No… Oh well whatever. I suppose the important thing is being looked at, not WHY you’re being looked at…
What I really fail to comprehend though, is why Bethesda decided to restrict this customization to the T51 model only. I really tried to find a reason behind this idea but there’s realy nothing that could remotely justify that choice.
But thankfully, all this nonsense is now over ! Thanks to this mod, the Railroad’s iconic lamp can now ornate your dark gray Power Armor with NO model restriction.

This mod doesn’t replaces anything, it is ESP based and adds its own paintings to the game.



> Is this mod compatible with [mod X] ?
>> This mod is built around a COMPLETELY INDEPENDENT ESP that only adds new Power Armor paintings to the game and doesn’t modify any core feature. It is theoretically 100% compatible with any mod you can throw at it.

> Could you please do the same mod for [Faction X] ?
>> If you didn’t know about it, I first released a Minutemen version of this mod. Check the “related mods” section !
Also, please note that Jamie1992 has already released his Institute line of paintings, which I highly recommend. I will agree with him on our plans to avoid unnecessary competition with similar mods.

> Why is there a Perception bonus for the T51 armor, but not for the other models ?
>> This is one of my main headaches right now, I’m still trying to figure out how to apply this bonus. Obviously, the T51 is the original model from the game, there was no reason to overwrite it with this mod. If anyone out there knows what sorcery is at work with those armor paintings bonuses, please do not hesitate contacting me. You will of course be fully credited for your help.


[—-> WORK IN PROGRESS ! <—-] All help is very welcome, contact me if you have any suggestion/solution.

To-do list :
Find how to add “Railroad” to the Armor part name when the painting is applied.
Find how to add the Perception bonus when all parts are painted.
Find how to lock access to the paintings if the player has not joined the Railroad.
Listen and answer to suggestions in the comment section.

Changelog :
0.5b : Initial release.
0.51b : Fine-tuning of the T45 helmet. The “mouth” was too rusty for my taste.
0.52b : Same treatment for the rust in the X01’s “mouth”.


[Related Mods]

If you like this mod, check out the Minutemen Version, coming in 2 flavors : Gray or Blue !


Manual Installation:

Open fallout4.ini (Located here: […]\Documents\My Games\Fallout4)
Edit “sResourceDataDirsFinal” as follow :>> sResourceDataDirsFinal=STRINGS\, MATERIALS\, TEXTURES\
Unzip the “Data” file into your Fallout 4 installation folder (Located here : […]\Steam\SteamApps\common\Fallout 4\)
Select “Yes” if prompted to merge or overwrite.
Finally enable the esp file (MMP4APA.esp) either via the launcher or with your mod loader/manager.


Credits: invock
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