Railroad Glory Bug Fix

Fallout 4 Mods |

Railroad Glory Bug Fix

Vaccine only, cannot fix if you’ve got the bug. Glory dying (or killing certain BOS members on the Prydwyn) will trip a bug that will prevent Desdemona from talking to you to finish Undercover Underground and start Precipice of War. Glory’s chance for death is during Memory Interrupted as she was not set essential while on this quest. In some cases, resurrecting her and moving her to HQ, using reset AI and recycleactor doesn’t help and you’re stuck with killing the Railroad as your only option.

She is now essential on Memory Interrupted and not essential for the Precipice of War or End of Line quests. This does not prevent the bug if you decide to assassinate everyone on the Prydwyn as I am not about to locate who wasn’t marked as essential in that scenario. This does not fix the bug if Desdemona is already not talking to you or if Glory is already dead, you’ll need to go to a previous save before she kicked the bucket.

Only tested as far as Memory Interrupted, and End of the Line (must kill Desdemona first before Glory is killable). Edited in FO4Edit

Installation Instructions

Use NMM or…

Unzip file
Put into your Fallout 4 Data folder

Uninstallation: remove the .esp file, its pretty simple.

Credits: meletique
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