Post-war Vault Suits (changeable textures)

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Post-war Vault Suits (changeable textures)

– Adds two craftable Vault Suits, dirty and new, which can be crafted at Chemistry Station, at Armor Crafting Workbench from Craftable Workbenches, or at Armorsmith Workbench from Armorsmith Extended under “Post-war Vault Suits” category.

– Adds two mod categories for these Vault Suits in addition to regular mods.
— The suit texture can be changed. Currently between vanilla, or any retexture you currently have installed, and 6 – 16 retextures, depending on your choice. Dirty and new suits have respective textures when possible.
— The number on the back of the suit can be changed, or removed altogether. “Proto Vault Suit” option includes three logos aswell.
— Changeable textures, numbers and logos have working prefixes.

– Support for Legendary Modification out of the box and additional support for Armorsmith Extended and Crafting Workbenches with plugins.
– Armorsmith Extended patch adds the new paddings and such from that mod to craftable Vault Suits. It changes the crafting workbench aswell.
– Crafting Workbenches patch changes only the crafting workbench.
— There is also a combined patch which includes new paddings etc but crafting new vault suits takes place at Armor Crafting Workbech from Craftable Workbenches.

– Doesn’t modify any vanilla records.

Crafting requirements:
– Clean Vault Suit requires 2 Adhesive, 4 Leather and 6 Cloth where as Dirty Vault Suit requires one less Leather and Cloth.
– Changing texture requires one Leather and changing number or logo requires one Cloth.

In screenshot the suits are shinier than usual because of More Shiny Vault Suits.

List of retextures supported currently includes:
Brand New Vault Jumpsuits Mk II by Azrative (included in this download)
– Navy Black/Pattern, Navy Blue/Pattern and White Black/Pattern, female and male variations
— As “Brand New” textures include a custom specular map, for each texture there is a seperate choice to use vanilla specular map, or any replacement if you have a custom texture that effects the shininess of the vault suit. These appear below the applied mod at the workbench and they are tagged with (NS) when one of the “Brand New” textures are applied on the vault suit.
— Doesn’t have any dirty textures, but these still can be applied to both Vault Suits.

One more Vaultsuit retex by ralfetas (included in this download)
– Orange Black (basic), Blue Yellow, Brotherhood of Steel, Communist, Hightech and Minuteman, only female variations
— Suits with “One more” texture use the regular texture if worn by males.
— Doesn’t have any dirty textures, but these still can be applied to both Vault Suits.

Proto Vault Suit by nitronizer (needs to be downloaded seperately from original mod page)
– Blue, Lambda, Marine, Nova, Shadow, Snow and Stark, female and male variations
– Blue Hexa, Nova Hexa and Shadow Hexa, only female variations (if male wears Hexa vault suit, it shows regural the regular Proto texture instead, i.e. Proto Blue Hexa shows Proto Blue)
– Two Vault-Tec and a Vault-Tec Experimental logos

HexCamo VaultSuit by reelo2228 (needs to be downloaded seperately from original mod page)
– Black and Blue
— Doesn’t have any dirty textures, but these still can be applied to both Vault Suits.
Note: I haven’t reached reelo2228 yet so I cannot include his/her textures in this download. To use those textures, some manual folder renaming is required.

1. If you haven’t made the ini edits, please follow this guide.
2.A. This is optional step but required if you want textures from Proto Vault Suit.
– Download “VaultSuit – Proto Standalone 2” from Proto Vault Suit, it’s in the optional files.
– Install with NMM.
2.B. This is optional step but required if you want textures from HexCamo VaultSuit.
– Download Black_HexCamo_VaultSuit_v1_1 and Black_HexCamo_VaultSuit_v1_1 from HexCamo VaultSuit
– Extract them to a temporary folder and rename
Textures\Clothes\Vaultsuit TO
(Black) -> Textures\Clothes\VaultSuit_HexCamo_Black
(Blue) -> Textures\Clothes\VaultSuit_HexCamo_Blue
After renaming, move the renamed folders to …\steamapps\common\Fallout 4\Data\Textures\Clothes\
3. Install my mod (includes FOMOD installer).
4. Make sure you have the new esp files enabled in NMM.

– Add more retextures. I’m open to suggestions. 🙂

Bugs/missing content/compatibility
– Proto Snow and Shadow have only dirty textures for female suit and clean textures for male suit.
– Compatible with mods that edit Vault Suit shapes, e.g. Vault Booty, CBBE’s Vanilla Outfits or BodySlide

– nitronizer for Proto Vault Suit textures
– Azrative for Brand New Vault Jumpsuits Mk II textures and permissions to upload them here
– ralfetas for One more Vaultsuit retex textures and permissions to upload them here
– reelo2228 for HexCamo VaulSuit textures
– srcanseco for the idea and original version Proto Vault Suit – Standalone

If you enjoy this mod please endorse the mods that provided these retextures and this mod aswell. 🙂

Credits: flaicher
This content was uploaded by website visitors. If you notice any mistake, please let us know.

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