Poorly-Programmed Pip-Boy Pong Port (Pip-Pong) by BitMage
Poorly-Programmed Pip-Boy Pong Port (Pip-Pong) by BitMage
It’s crazy that not one custom Pip-Boy game exists on the Nexus so, “FIRST!”
This a cheap and hacky Pip-Boy game with a holotape that let’s you play it.
I’m bad at art and coding! Instead of reporing bugs, make the game better yourself.
I WANT YOU to make a better version!
Right now the only way to obtain the “Pip-Pong” holotape is with the console command additem x000800
I consider this a modders’ resource and will post the source. My game is full of bugs and poorly laid-out. Please take my version as a proof-of-concept and run with it.
I’m inventing a (fake) “Creative Commons Chill Out License”: I won’t care if you copy this without crediting me as long as you are as chill about copying as I am 😉
It seems that someone will have to reverse-engineer Bethesda’s AS3 classes to implement sound as well as a way to read the state of the W,A,S,D, and TAB keys.