Perk RESET Chem – Refund Perks Special and Bobbleheads

Fallout 4 Mods |

Perk RESET Chem – Refund Perks Special and Bobbleheads

Ohhhhh Yeaaaaaa

I: Video
II: Description
III: Known Bugs
IV: F.A.Q.

Adds a ‘Perk Reset’ Chem in the chemistry crafting station under drugs. The chem will reset all perks including SPECIAL and refund all perk points as well as SPECIAL and Bobblehead SPECIAL stats as perk points. If you are over 10 SPECIAL base this will put your cap back to 10 but still refund any bobblehead SPECIALS that have been picked up.
Give it 5 seconds to complete after taking it, I added a lot of wait functions because there are a LOT of perks.

Only known bug is if you have perk points available it will not clear them to Zero before adding your new perks. IE if you take the chem twice you just get free double perk points. Seeing as you can just console cheat anyway, I am not too concerned but if I find a way to fix it I will.

I nailed VANS in 2.0 🙂
VANS will not reset. It looks like they did some kind of infinite loop BS and I can’t really grasp what exactly they did so I really do not want to dick with it pre ck

THIS WILL NOT REFUND MORE THAN 255 PERK POINTS, so if you are above level 225, don’t use this

Q1: You are you know?
A: Are what?
A: I know.

Credits: DDProductions83
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