Perk Magazine Material Fix

Fallout 4 Mods |

Perk Magazine Material Fix

I was disappointed that the two mods that make magazines glow so you can find them easier (Glow Mags by Kootta, and ETSGM – Easy To See Glowing Mags by Herpderp2332 and Otkebr) didn’t work with a handful of the magazines. This is because some of the paths for the material for the world models actually point to the high res materials meant for the ‘inspect’ view instead. I wondered if it was fixable with FO4Edit, turns out it was quite simple 🙂

Firstly though, it won’t actually do anything by itself, if you’re using Kootta’s mod, you’ll have to move the contents of \Data\Materials\Props\ComicsAndMagazinesHighRes\ (the 4 folders) into \Data\Materials\Props\ComicsAndMagazines\ (merge the folders when Windows asks) or wait to see if Kootta updates the mod, if you’re using Herpderp2332’s mod then I guess you’ll just have to wait for an update, or switch to using Kootta’s.

As far as I know this fixes 5 magazines (although Kootta mentions only 4, one of the Unstoppables was also affected), but Herpderp2332 says 6 are affected so I may have missed one, let me know if you find it…

As there are no official tools for Fallout 4 yet, these plugins/ESPs are have been made in FO4Edit

So, use at your own risk!

Credits: Old Nick
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