Paintable Mining Helmets

Fallout 4 Mods |

Paintable Mining Helmets

Paintable Mining Helmets

Ever wondered why you can paint Power Armor, but not Mining Helmets? No? Regardless, now you can!

This file enables the Mining Helmet paint mod in the armor workbench.

Like any other paint recipe in the game, this one is also free (no materials needed). Go give curie that pink mining helmet she deserves.

This file also modifies the name of Mining Helmets, based on their color: finding a pink mining helmet in that disgusting mess that is your Sanctuary workbench has never been easier*!

* only applies to new or newly modified mining helmets.


It should be compatible with any mod that does not modify the Mining Helmet.

Technical Stuff

The game spawns Mining Helmets with one of 8 random paints. This paint is an hidden mod on the helmet. I created the recipes for these shiny paints, to enable them in the workbench, and added the required records for the helmet to get renamed depending on the color of the paint.

Made with fo4edit.

Credits: John Doe Bowler
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